Recent content by betodel530

  1. B

    Best Value Vacs

    I.9 CF Model 19ECO
  2. B

    Best Value Vacs

    If by asme certified unit you mean if that my product will be tested, it will not. I want to run as much material as I could possibly fit in my best val vacs oven per time. Im in desperate need to learn to make slabs, tips on heating, pulling vaccume, flipping patties ect.
  3. B

    Best Value Vacs

    Closed loop system to make slabs from the oven or...?
  4. B

    Best Value Vacs

    Using the best value vacs website what are the cheapest items I would need to purchase in order to make slabs from the oven?? (I already purchased an oven and vacuum pump) Please Help
  5. B

    Best Value Vacs

    Using the best value vacs website what are the cheapest items I would need to purchase in order to make slabs from the oven?? (I already purchased an oven and vacuum pump) Please Help
  6. B

    From Tube To Oven

    Could I put a layer of parchment on my pyrex dish and spray directly onto that heat until it's no longer a liquid and then throw the parchment in the oven? Or how should my transition be? starting point being a glass tube extractor, finish point being a patty on parchment in the oven. Again...
  7. B

    From Tube To Oven

    Could I put a layer of parchment on my pyrex dish and spray directly onto that heat until it's no longer a liquid and then throw the parchment in the oven? Or how should my transition be? starting point being a glass tube extractor, finish point being a patty on parchment in the oven. Again...
  8. B

    From Tube To Oven

    How to get the best results from a best value vacs oven?! Recently bought. I'm used to just whipping my concentrate in pyrex over warm water and need better results, my tools consist of but not limited to regular butane tube extractors, hot plate, oven, vacuum. PLEASE HELP