Best Value Vacs


New Member
Using the best value vacs website what are the cheapest items I would need to purchase in order to make slabs from the oven?? (I already purchased an oven and vacuum pump) Please Help
My first statement to you is Please, Please, Please read, read, and read some more. Then go to YouTube and watch folks do it the wrong way and the right way.
Doing this is dangerous shit. Don't half-ass it or try to do it on the cheap. You will be sorry, possibly homeless and maybe if you are lucky, not dead.

I started by building a small 1/4 lb rig so that i could understand all of the concepts involved. Then i "upsized" all of the parts to work with a larger load. two-thirds of the first rig was reusable with the second. It takes planning thus the reading. You also need to have some idea of your target. Shatter; Snap-n-pull, diamonds, etc. some require special equipment and all require a different set of settings and parameters to achieve you target type of "BHO".

The first question i would ask is how much material are you looking to process on each run?

I have a 1/4 lb kit and a 1.5 lb kit.

I can supply you with my parts list from BVV for either build. and the urls to the warnings posts that i found helpful. However i am prohibited from sending you urls until....

I would provide photos but this site prohibits uploading of photos until.....

They can keep the site

I personally find the THC Farmer site to be a far more informative site. I have found that the folks there seem more focused on helping you get to harvest.
You can contact me there (AnselAdams) if you want the list. I will not be using this account after tonight. Contact me over there and i will send you all the ones i have. Someone helped me, so i need to pass it on.

Good Luck!! :-)
Yes, that is my suggestion. To make a "slab" you are going to need to run about 1/2 lb or more.

1/4 lb gave me a finished golden snap-able "slab" about the size of a half dollar in dia and thickness maybe a little larger.

I am sure there are others who have a lot more history at this than myself who will chime in.
The cheapest to purchase would be a their smallest passive extractor.

Do you need an ASME certified unit? How much material do you need to run per time?


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If by asme certified unit you mean if that my product will be tested, it will not. I want to run as much material as I could possibly fit in my best val vacs oven per time. Im in desperate need to learn to make slabs, tips on heating, pulling vaccume, flipping patties ect.
I.9 CF Model


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Assuming their 1.9 in3 oven, and a passive extractor.

The long pole in the tent in closed loop extraction, is recovering the LPG. The fastest recovery is the system with the most surface area from which to evaporate, so I always migrate to the largest diameter recovery pot available.

In BVV's case, that is their 5# Apollo's 12" X 12" pot. Next would be the 2# with 10" X 10" pot. Either will keep your oven busy.

I personally prefer pumped recovery of the LPG, because of speed, and the same issues regarding surface area apply. I would consider their Mk V Orthrus design. It could also be run either passively or as a bidirectional flood pumped recovery system.