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  • Ok-I think it's your username from your yahoo adress.Find it out for tommorow ok?I have to sleep now anyways but I put a drawing now on the group just to be sure you'll plant them right.Check
    Your so cool. I'll follow every step to the letter. Fuck I'm pretty happy too. Hay I pulled in another member. We'll have a good big group before long.
    Got ya. I put them in a drawer. That will work right? Ya, I got to get prepared for this. I need to move alot of shit around for this to work. I may have bitten off more than I can chew. But I'll give it all I got.
    My last post disappeared on me to then just showed up later. Got me, I don't know whats going on.
    They all cracked and are in the towel. I wish I was writing a book. No, I used a book to asses plant problems. But how kind of you to think I could write a book. Maybe I'll write one on Auto's. I'll call it "The Big Book of Auto's". Ya think I could? I'm just kidden around.
    As far as the Nitrogen goes, that just one of the three main things in fertilizers. You know the NPK ratios on all fertilizers. Look at yours(fertilizer) and tell me what the NPK ratios are. I'll learn ya a bit.(southern lingo). If you want to know.
    I'm not sure why you can't post pics. I had some trouble w/the site over the week-end. Talk to me when you can. Later partners in crime.
    Hay, I was doing some research in my book "Marijuana Garden Saver" on our yellowing plants. I don't know why I did'nt think of this before but I'm pretty sure we have a Nitrogen problem. It makes sense for me any way cause I don't use veg. fertilizer, which has more N in it than the bloom fer. Which mine has a n value of 2 and the vegg. has a N value of 6
    So try cutting the strength in half and see if that helps. Don't use it to long or to much cause it will make the plant more leafy.
    I got ya. If they crack while I'm at work, how long can they stay under water?
    So if they all sink at differant times, does that mean that I will be taking them out at differant times?
    and since it sank does that mean its ready for the paper towel right away. It took less than 5 hrs to sink.
    I put 7 pics up on the grow page and a few more at my page. Let me know what u think
    I think what I'll do is start the seeds in water today(which I've done). I have about 30 days at the max to grow all the plants together( whats growing now). When that time is over I'll have a 4x2 area to play with. But anyway, buy then the auto's will be 1/2 way done and the haze is still veggen away for another 30 days. So the haze will veg. for 2 months while the autos finish. When the auto's finish, I can change time to 12/12 and change the bulbs to bloom. Then its all about feeding and keeping it under control. What do you think? Plus I'm getting ready to post some pics.
    Hay, hows your evening going? For some reason the site (on my end) was down or something. I could read but couldn't write. Oh well, it's working now. Them cats of yours look pretty cool. So you think Onxy and the Haze huh. Well I pulled em out of storage and plan on putting them in the water tonight. I think it will be a little crowded under the lights but I'll be harvesting in about 4 weeks anyway. Starting with the haze is a good idea. Ya know what? When I was getting the seeds out, I forgot, I have several verities of skunk from my last order. I keep a list and I guess they didn't get on it. Well have a good day and I'll talk to ya later.
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