Recent content by brazzik25

  1. brazzik25

    Looking for best Haze/Pure Sativa

    Contact this guy, he has landraces on his channel. JADE NECTAR - YouTube
  2. brazzik25

    modular overkill led striplight build

    Bro, how are you, where did you disappear to, is this the end of the report?
  3. brazzik25

    Mixing colorspectrum samsung diodes.

    Frontiers | The role of red and white light in optimizing growth and accumulation of plant specialized metabolites at two light intensities in medical cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.) (
  4. brazzik25

    Mixing colorspectrum samsung diodes.

    3500k evo \ 3000k 301b + 660nm
  5. brazzik25

    EVOs in blue only?

    Maybe look for alternatives, for example ledstar dot com, they seem to have clean 437
  6. brazzik25

    Lux to PPFD Converter App | PPFD Meter

    Здравствуйте, лампочка накаливания 100 ватт дает 300 лк на расстоянии 45 см, можно ли откалибровать смартфон с с этим приложением, лампой накаливания?
  7. brazzik25

    Led Users Unite!

  8. brazzik25

    390-430nm Violet LED’s
  9. brazzik25

    Is my LED FUBAR? Or just the driver?

    Розетка заземлена? если есть заземление, то отключите его.