390-430nm Violet LED’s

I don't think that I ever indicated that I thought you were trying to sell me a light mate!!

Don't get me wrong. I'm not rubbishing the other lights. All I'm saying is that if you want the best out of them, you need to add supplementary Far Red and blue/near-UV from <400-430nm. You will notice the difference.

Yes, that's what we've been discussing.
Unless I'm mistaken, the 1750k cobs that I'm using do supply far red. Also, I'm already 4k blue and UVA/b from 285 on up.

Your responses had gotten me more interested in your lights. So if you have a model that you'd recommend I'd be interested in seeing if they make sense for me.
If not, okay then...
Hi mate, yes I know. I'm just trying not to spam (although I think I already have – sorry). All our LED panels feature a small amount of UVA, near-UV and almost 10% Far Red on one channel. You can check out the link below or you are welcome to email or PM me if you'd like to discuss options.

Hi mate, no news yet. I know they are being produced as we speak, but no ETA yet. I'll ask LT again later for you. Off the top of my head the Blue Buddies are going to be a mix of 405nm, 420nm and 480nm. It will be something like 405-420-480-420-405-420-480 etc with 2x420 for each 405 and 480. The 420s will fill in the Chlorophyl A gap, the 405s will provide UVA (technically near-UV, but there is some UVA) and the 480s will fill in the cyan gap that most white phosphor LEDs have.
[QUOTE = "Rocket Soul, сообщение: 16352821, участник: 930560"]
Также стоит упомянуть о 420-430 нм, это важный пик в спектре действия апертуры устьиц
полностью с тобой согласен ;)