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  • i would love to just curl up on the beach with a joint :) watch all the waves it would be beautiful.
    our currency is aud :)
    if it was legal it would be sooo much cheaper... so like you can sit yourself down at a coffee shop and light up a joint?
    noo its very not legal here.. not even the medical stuff. our customs are really tough but our cops arnt ha ;) is there anywhere its fully legal?
    yes lights are very tricky. and everyone has their own oppinion which makes it harder.. i wanna graft my plants one day :) id love to see more than one strain on one plant.
    australia is good.. somewhat cold which is stupid its summer! hows the us :)
    19 on tuesday im only young.. i had a tallant from a young age i had 4 classes a week after school or weekends since i can remember but now im studying at uni now.
    the different colours have different wave lengths which is what the plant soaks up it helps the chlorophyll some how im not 100% sure
    im still going.. its a long process ive studied art for 10 years now.. not including school art classes im very passionate about it :)
    they vary from pinks to red to blue. very bright. mounting it was nerve racking tho! i was so scared id break a bunch of bulbs
    i paint either on canvas. depends on the high the most recent one is rain collecting into a rain bow.. i was really high one night and my brain got really set on rainbows coming from rain...
    well i have two pannels which adds up to like 600 little lights.. not cheap either :/ just ask my poor wallet..
    its more a head high depending on the strain i like the strong ones i like to paint when im high. im a sativa girl :) what about you head or body?
    im using LED full spectrum so i got reddy pink and blue :)
    the outdoor stuff is beautiful its smooth and very plesant. its much easier than indoor growing :/ its a shame i cant keep the horse out of my plants.. altho the different coloured grow lights are quite an experience while your baked!!
    i do have a stoner horse his name is haze. :)
    thats really good that youve found something that can help with your vison. i had absolutly horrible anxiety like 6 months ago then i started smoking weed again and im back to my normal happy self :) its great stuff.
    Im in nsw. you?
    hi, im still learning too :) im new to indoor growing.. i live on a farm so i used to just throw a seed in a pot outside and away it goes but my new horse kept eating my plants.. so i thought it was time for indoors! :) how did you decide to grow your own?
    get a thread going in Newbie forum and I will answer any question you may have there...just let me know when it is up and i will pop by :) link to forum just start a thread( + post new thread ) top of page once you click link!

    I never cut anything off my plants...even dieing leaves help to produce the buds. what light are you using?

    easier if you had a thread then everyone can help you too

    EDIT meant Newbie
    Im in week 3 of flowering and my baby just started budding. The leaves are big i dont know it i should trim them or if i should leav it alone. the top leaves are covering most of the bottome from light. and i want to produce as much bud as possible. what do i do??
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