yea that shit looks all bally n shit i dont kno how i would get that into the soil wihout fucking with roots but hey can i buy that foxgrow stuff with a prepaid credit card?
so youve obviously seen my pics the soil used was miracle grow from last summer idk if miracle grow already has nutes? and if so does a year make them go away? but since youve seen my plants how much nute would i put into the cups and how many times?
hey dolce yah know i really appreciate all the help youve givin me for my 1st grow you have been very in sightful in things that i had no clue about and without info from you id more likeley fuck up hard cor n get the worst possible out comes thanks again
Whats up Dolce? Got anything in the pots? Im still savin up to get my grow started, if i could just stop buyin it to smoke i could probably save more quicker, ahh the problems of a stoner. . . well hit me up sometime, L8tr.