Recent content by futurebanjo

  1. futurebanjo

    Chronicles of Cultivation

    Looks great! looking at some of your 'rusty leafs' im not sure if its the same thing I have...I can't seem to figure it out. I mean, I'm not growing it for the leafs, for sure so I don't care that much, but it does concern me in my grows that the leafs get brittle and rusty looking in late...
  2. futurebanjo

    Any have an idea what my issue is?

    They look pretty healthy to me, what's your question, exactly?
  3. futurebanjo

    Anesia Elementz DWC

    Not quite there yet, but strictly to further the endevour of scientifical advancements, and for quality control purposes, I've taken down one of the smaller colas for a 'test'.
  4. futurebanjo

    Too late to save?

    I'm going with this...that pot is too small for that plant, which will cause nute problems in itself.
  5. futurebanjo

    Would I be able to harvest her tomorrow? Day 64F

    they look good for sure, but the majority of pistils still look too white to me, they will get a bit chonkier before the end, I think!
  6. futurebanjo

    Would I be able to harvest her tomorrow? Day 64F

    Nothing to do with free speech, you can chop em down right now if you want, they are your plants. :peace:
  7. futurebanjo

    First ever grow, dwc, succeed, fail.. what ever it will entail

    You can buy the larger multi plant oxy-pots like mine for about £80-£100... Yes that's a lot of money for what's essentially a plastic container, but it's purpose built, and not £500!
  8. futurebanjo

    First ever grow, dwc, succeed, fail.. what ever it will entail

    Probably the most important as that is when a lot of people lose patience and fuck something up... In reality the last few weeks is just a waiting game... just don't rock the boat, because you don't want your boat to be rockin'. I have both Kilner jars and grove bags.. both have their uses...
  9. futurebanjo

    Would I be able to harvest her tomorrow? Day 64F

    I view advertised flowering times a bit like I view 'official' fuel consumption figures on cars... you might get the advertised rate in controlled laboratory conditions where everything is 100% perfect, but not in the wild, typically.
  10. futurebanjo

    Would I be able to harvest her tomorrow? Day 64F

    So take everyones advice, and give them a bit longer Litteraly no one has suggested to chop them right now... ;)
  11. futurebanjo

    First ever grow, dwc, succeed, fail.. what ever it will entail

    Mine is an oxypot DWC - it has it's advantages (big rez without having to set up an R-DWC type system) and disadvantages - roots get intertwined so you cant relly remove individual plants etc...
  12. futurebanjo

    First ever grow, dwc, succeed, fail.. what ever it will entail

    Thats kinda tricky... a pump failiure the day after you leave, and youll be comming back to dead plants. Even worse, a water leak in the wrong place and you could end up with 100l of water dumped onto your floor!
  13. futurebanjo

    First ever grow, dwc, succeed, fail.. what ever it will entail

    For example these have been going about the same time as yours, and will be chopped down probably in a week or two. DWC gets a lot easier once you find your feet a bit, and get things a bit more dialled in.. its just experience, really...
  14. futurebanjo

    First ever grow, dwc, succeed, fail.. what ever it will entail

    It's easy enough to work your grow around your schedule if you can cope with say 5 months at a time between trips away, thats plenty of time to grow, harvest, shut down and dry & jar up your crop.
  15. futurebanjo

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i just use this for PH down - £6 for a 250ml bottle, it's really strong though...85% phosphoric acid so its pretty nasty stuff, but it lasts ages due to it being very strong.