Recent content by GreenStick85

  1. GreenStick85

    Let's check what knocks you down the most

    You had acid.
  2. GreenStick85

    is rest weed strong enough ?

    You don't have much proof backing up that claim do you?
  3. GreenStick85

    is rest weed strong enough ?

    Real thc is on the bud, not inside the plant. If you upgraded a bit but because you're on the frugal side maybe try some mids? This isn't bomb weed at all but it isn't sticks and stems. On the flip side trim from good plants can be had sometimes for 200bucks for a whole pound if you find the...
  4. GreenStick85

    is rest weed strong enough ?

    Never smoke stems, bad idea. The best you can do is collect a bunch and make green dragon or edibles and even that's a stretch. The thc high on that is so limited I'm asking why you'd even want to?
  5. GreenStick85

    Lighter please

    Here's a link, I suggest you read it. Everything should be checked off from light switches to pilot lights to your clothes(static cling) yeah static will ignite butane as it will ignite gasoline vapors. Another piece of advice: giving advice...
  6. GreenStick85

    Lighter please

    Bud I'm just going to go out on a limb here that if your place of work knew that you did this and how you handled it, you probably wouldn't be working in a lab so much as you would a desk. Labs are required to have safety procedures followed to the bullet and seeing how you missed how butane is...
  7. GreenStick85

    Questions on HolyWater etc...

    I did some reading about HolyWater and how it is made. There is no true difference between HolyWater, Live Resin and Terp Juice to bho except they are made using uncured weed. Never tried this but new tech advancements make a tried-and-true process make it seem new. I'm only wondering if...
  8. GreenStick85

    winterize fail

    Oh i understand now. Thanks
  9. GreenStick85

    winterize fail

    I will have to find some and try this out. Especially the live resin route, heard great things about it because due to its instability it has an extremely short shelf life but the taste and consistency in terpenes are far more worth the outcome. Thank you for clarification!
  10. GreenStick85

    winterize fail

    So are you saying that using the mZ21x for extraction allows for the molecules to be even less stable than other butane types? It's based on what is in the can that causes this to the final product? It's not the weed because we can say that weed is only inconsistent if using bud or trim (which...
  11. GreenStick85

    winterize fail

    Who is?
  12. GreenStick85

    winterize fail

    If I were you I would dissolve this in everclear again. Then freeze it for a couple days Then you strain it several times and freeze it again then let it evaporate naturally. In an effort to salvage this that's my only suggestion I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I'm not so sure about...
  13. GreenStick85

    winterize fail

    Winterizing basically eliminates the need for vac purging. The alcohol should separate the molecules down to the point where it becomes almost trace amounts of butane. I'd ask you to outline your process to the point where you stopped here in detail. Honestly this is a lot of concentrate to fuck...
  14. GreenStick85

    The chase for shatter...

    I only meant to say use food grade alcohol anyways. Plus the whole ISO deal is that ISO cannot be consumed by us as humans. So that's why I put it up. I just chose to give a more "edible" alternative because ISO still has chemicals in it. So far everclear just evaps and not much trace. No foul...
  15. GreenStick85

    done curing ?

    Nah you're in the range. If it's sticky and stinks Good,(no ammonia smell) you're golden. Just check on the jars from time to Time boveda packs can promote mold if you set it and forget it, just keep an eye on it.