winterize fail


New Member
so i just made some wax the other day,(with mx12x) after the process i was ready to winterize i used approx 20gs of dab. after winterize process 48 hrs i am vac purging and it is doing this any suggestions ?im running at 104 F in the vac.. is it just to thick ?? im lost?
Winterizing basically eliminates the need for vac purging. The alcohol should separate the molecules down to the point where it becomes almost trace amounts of butane. I'd ask you to outline your process to the point where you stopped here in detail. Honestly this is a lot of concentrate to fuck up on.
I know:( but oh well I gots lots o trim. So my process was simple I used approx a qp of trim/buds mix. I blew with a new solvent I found online called mz12x. After getting the waxy taffyish consistency that the mz produces. I then let my 20gs or so disolve in about 2 cups of everclear 180proof. It sat for 48 hours. At that point I strained w an unbleached coffee filter. Waited for the alcohol to evap. I think I didn't wait lond enough for the evap part because there was still a definate oilyness to my mix. At this point I got impatient:( I know scrub move.. but think that's where I went wrong?
If I were you I would dissolve this in everclear again. Then freeze it for a couple days Then you strain it several times and freeze it again then let it evaporate naturally.
In an effort to salvage this that's my only suggestion I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner.
I'm not so sure about your oily consistency but might have something to do with your trim, this may be why because your product is somewhat inferior. Not to bash your product but remember that what you start with is what you come out with. Quality means everything from what you use to blast and what you blast. The more plant material that makes its way into your final product if you use trim. Bud on the other hand has plant material but because it's flower, it performs differently than trim and far more quality THC. That being said trim is still a great way to get hash or oil but since you have to combine so much butane, there just may be side effects to this. Plus I've never used the MZ12x yet, just Puretane. It works quite well. The only reason why I think some folks choose to use MZ is the more biodegradable and organic "butane" on the market. In fact it's not butane at all so I applaude you for using it, sounds like you wanted to stay on the safe side and it has received good reviews. Hope this helps.
People are misinformed about MZ12X due to few acting like know it all and spreading BS about
the is the proof.

You don't need to winterize it...just mid-heat vac overnight...or 12 hours will do the trick.
I wouldn't winterize the extract from MZ12X. Di-methyl Ether is as strong and find molecule as alcohol and with its boiling point low-mid (80-120) heat vac will do the trick. We had so many testimonial from people who purged for mid-heat vac for 4-6 hours and sent it to the lab to get 0 ppm with a lot of Terpene they never saw with Butane extract.

The reason you cannot get the MZ12X extract to harden like candy is due to Terpene and higher CBD, CBG content. It is something to endure not frustrated by it.
I wouldn't winterize the extract from MZ12X. Di-methyl Ether is as strong and find molecule as alcohol and with its boiling point low-mid (80-120) heat vac will do the trick. We had so many testimonial from people who purged for mid-heat vac for 4-6 hours and sent it to the lab to get 0 ppm with a lot of Terpene they never saw with Butane extract.

The reason you cannot get the MZ12X extract to harden like candy is due to Terpene and higher CBD, CBG content. It is something to endure not frustrated by it.
So are you saying that using the mZ21x for extraction allows for the molecules to be even less stable than other butane types? It's based on what is in the can that causes this to the final product? It's not the weed because we can say that weed is only inconsistent if using bud or trim (which extracts more cellulose.) bud has its cellulose levels but they contain far more cannabinoids than regular trim does. This would allow a more stable product to be reached in final
Stages providing delicate steps are taken in the process.
GreenStick...most of what you want to get it out from the plan is Hydrocarbon and DME is very excellent Hydrocarbon itself and it will bond with Cannobinoids and Terpenes and Terpeniods. MZ12X pulls 13-30% of Terpenes and Terneniods compared to 3% in butane extract. MZ12X extracts more then Live Resin in some strains. This is why the extract does not get harden like candy because you have 5-10 times more Terpenes and Terpeniods. When people just wanted to get highest THC as though it is come sort of holy grail they over looked the other parts of Weed.

But now they are educated more and they understand that you need Terpenes and Terpenoids in order to get all the benefits as well as the flavors and scents. MZ12X (medical grade DME) is very pure and clean and it will not stay in the extraction given overnight or 12 hours vac treatment. By winterizing it you are melting all this Terpenes and Terpenoids for the sake of color.

Please just follow my instruction and dab it will know what I meant. You can actually have blunt right next to you and smoke it in comparison with dab with MZ12X extraction. MZ12X extraction will amplify the flavor and the scents. What people are praising about with Live Resin and Terpenes infusion....we did this 2 years ago. Unfortunately nobody was listening.
GreenStick...most of what you want to get it out from the plan is Hydrocarbon and DME is very excellent Hydrocarbon itself and it will bond with Cannobinoids and Terpenes and Terpeniods. MZ12X pulls 13-30% of Terpenes and Terneniods compared to 3% in butane extract. MZ12X extracts more then Live Resin in some strains. This is why the extract does not get harden like candy because you have 5-10 times more Terpenes and Terpeniods. When people just wanted to get highest THC as though it is come sort of holy grail they over looked the other parts of Weed.

But now they are educated more and they understand that you need Terpenes and Terpenoids in order to get all the benefits as well as the flavors and scents. MZ12X (medical grade DME) is very pure and clean and it will not stay in the extraction given overnight or 12 hours vac treatment. By winterizing it you are melting all this Terpenes and Terpenoids for the sake of color.

Please just follow my instruction and dab it will know what I meant. You can actually have blunt right next to you and smoke it in comparison with dab with MZ12X extraction. MZ12X extraction will amplify the flavor and the scents. What people are praising about with Live Resin and Terpenes infusion....we did this 2 years ago. Unfortunately nobody was listening.
I will have to find some and try this out. Especially the live resin route, heard great things about it because due to its instability it has an extremely short shelf life but the taste and consistency in terpenes are far more worth the outcome. Thank you for clarification!
I will have to find some and try this out. Especially the live resin route, heard great things about it because due to its instability it has an extremely short shelf life but the taste and consistency in terpenes are far more worth the outcome. Thank you for clarification!
Lol..I don't think you were reading me right..with MZ12X extraction you are getting what you will with Live Rosin already was What I was telling you.