Recent content by Hook Daddy

  1. Hook Daddy

    Blaze & Daze

    @laddyd at least next year you can remind her how it went and suggest something more outdoorsy, like a round of golf.
  2. Hook Daddy

    My kitten got into my tent little bas#@#

    They might, but lesson learned, don’t let the cat in with the grow. Just pop a few new seeds, not a big deal.
  3. Hook Daddy

    Short and wide

    I would try watering more, it’s hard to over water coco and it’s hard to tell how much water it’s getting in 20 sec.
  4. Hook Daddy

    What could be causing this?

    What soil are you using? They look hungry, I’m not sure if it’s only a n deficiency but they need fed.
  5. Hook Daddy

    Short and wide

    It looks hungry, what are you feeding it? Coco and perlite is hydro and you need to feed it every watering.
  6. Hook Daddy

    Question about flushing

    This is the main problem with flushing in my opinion. I think a harsh taste is usually from improper curing, taking plants early, or genetics. The plant above appears to have another couple weeks to go, hopefully she’ll ride it through even though you flushed, but starving a plant when it...
  7. Hook Daddy

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    The creep was good but I preferred when Elvira read my bedtime stories.
  8. Hook Daddy

    It's been a long time RIU. I want to PRACTICE drying and curing but I don't have fresh cannabis at hand.

    I tend to think the hay smell is often from harvesting too early, but jarring early could also be an issue. I got tired of messing around and built drying chambers out of a wine coolers, they work quite well, many people here use them. Takes the guess work out of it...
  9. Hook Daddy

    Yellow fungus of some sort.

    I deleted the post alright after because I realized your answer was correct once I looked the mushroom up. They did remind me of a little yellow dildo forest though, that was my first google search.
  10. Hook Daddy

    Watering issues,

    I was going to suggest bottom watering once to ensure there were no dry spots as well. Those fabric pots can get dry spots fast, and once they develop they will just repel water. Soaking them for 10-15 minutes will ensure everything is getting evenly wet again. I stopped using fabric pots...
  11. Hook Daddy

    SIP’n with Hook Daddy

    I made some time to trim up the PBB and Wagyu Donutz. I took some before pics of the PBB, it’s hard to see how much I actually took off but here they are. I fed them both a couple handfuls of tomato tone and top watered in today as well. Here’s PBB after, I just went in and cut all bud...
  12. Hook Daddy

    SIP’n with Hook Daddy

    I figured that, no problem. Nice looking plants, thanks for sharing!
  13. Hook Daddy

    Harvest timing?

    They look very nice, excellent job. I think your plan of waiting a week then harvesting is a good one.
  14. Hook Daddy

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    It’s not really difficult to build a bigger one, the issue is the efficiency, which is why larger ones are not commercially available. The larger the area the more TECs you need to bring the temp down, and the amount of electricity required rapidly increases with the volume you are cooling, so...
  15. Hook Daddy

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    Fermenting and drying/curing work differently, if you’re going the Cobb route the cooler is probably not needed. I have never tried fermenting bud but after this last Malawi grow I might just take a stab at it in the near future. Traditional dry/cure calls for the temps to stay relatively low...