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  • THANK YOU SUNNI i know you guys do your best to keep this running smooth i shouldnt of been so quick to post that thread
    it was a spammer I had taken care of him, sometimes spammers get past our spam filter have a great day
    im germinating a few SLH seeds right now. was wondering if you think it will make a good candidate for both sog and scrog grows?
    [email protected] just say buck123 & ill get back to ya also have 2 yet unnamed killing fields-x-jackberry phenos that will have the possibility of turning dark purple with sugar killing fields= jack herrer-x- sativa blueberry & jackberry= i think is jack herrer-x-indica blueberry the moms are featured in my thread ''killing fields is killer''
    or dude would i what herk! doing a multi strain grow and all the beans will be documented so far it'll be satori slh plushberry and perhaps lemon jack hehe!!
    herk! im lovin the idea of lemon jack been following the proggy.... soo could you be up for sending a few? its on my to do!
    All is well HH... you? I'm battling a hell of a gnat problem right now - other than that.... it's all good. How's the grape ape?
    Got a question for ya. Want to switch from soil to hydro, what was the best gph pump for a 3'x3' flood and drain table? Any help will greatly be appreciated.
    i also planted a pineapple chunk seed that is 1 month old if you would like to see pictures and progress of how mine is doing?
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