Recent content by ifitsgreensmokeit

  1. ifitsgreensmokeit

    150 watt in 2by2

    so i got a 150 true watt led for a 2by2by3, everything i read says that for that size 120 to 160 is the butter zone. true or not? looking for some help please
  2. ifitsgreensmokeit

    end of week 6, close to end whatcha think?

    so this is what they are looking loke at the end of week 7 tomorrow.
  3. ifitsgreensmokeit

    end of week 6, close to end whatcha think?

    it really only took 4 or 5 days from flip to see bullets but regardless, as long as it happened once they can claim 8 weeks huh? thats not cool
  4. ifitsgreensmokeit

    end of week 6, close to end whatcha think?

    ya but if i buy seeds and thwy dont turn out at end weeks wouldnt you think i wouod go to a different company? this is still such a small industry where they can do it right and they are just using old practices
  5. ifitsgreensmokeit

    end of week 6, close to end whatcha think?

    thats weird you figure they would want people to know how to get the best out of there products. so all breeder do that?
  6. ifitsgreensmokeit

    end of week 6, close to end whatcha think?

    sorry i came off as a dick, i do appreciate the help. you(me) should never respond to a online comment after fighting with the gf. so atleast 4 more? ive never understood why eveey breeder says 8 to 10 weeks and yet its more like 10 14weeks in some cases
  7. ifitsgreensmokeit

    end of week 6, close to end whatcha think?

    here's a closer look its the best i can do right now
  8. ifitsgreensmokeit

    end of week 6, close to end whatcha think?

    where did i say i was completely ignoring the pistils? i was told to watch the trichomes more over then the pistils.
  9. ifitsgreensmokeit

    end of week 6, close to end whatcha think?

    im gonna wait 2 then ask
  10. ifitsgreensmokeit

    end of week 6, close to end whatcha think?

    im trying but as of now the best pics i can get are the top three.
  11. ifitsgreensmokeit

    end of week 6, close to end whatcha think?

    ya thats why im asking i was told to watch the trichomes more over then the pistils cause thats were the tch is, but this is only my second one. i appreciate any help
  12. ifitsgreensmokeit

    Day 35 what yall think

    all the trichomes are milky but only a handful of amber. another week or so?
  13. ifitsgreensmokeit

    end of week 6, close to end whatcha think?

    there's no more clear trichomes but only a handful of amber
  14. ifitsgreensmokeit

    Lowering Flowering to 8-10 hours to mature quicker?

    this one goes out at 6am and comes in at 4pm, week 6 but thats just one