Recent content by Ivor_Chronicles

  1. I

    Redish/rust colored leaves

    Doing less as a solution is good news to me! I'll back off the water additions, continue using tap water, add some homegrown with the next flowergirl feedings and keep an eye on them. Thank you to everyone for taking a look and offering you're advice, very much appreciated!
  2. I

    Redish/rust colored leaves

    As I mentioned I tend to overcomplicate things as a habit. Something I need to work on. Which part of what I'm doing do you think is creating the problem? The fertilizer they get is Dr Earth Homegrown during veg and Flower Girl during flower, should qualify as well balanced. Most of what I...
  3. I

    Redish/rust colored leaves

    For flower nutes I am currently using Dr. Earth Flower Girl, 1/4 cup per plant every 2 weeks. Do you mean to dump the water additives? Thanks for the feedback!
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    Redish/rust colored leaves

    I started adding epsom salt to the water because the plants were showing signs of magnesium deficiency. The amount of 1tbps / gal of water seemed to be typical from what I had read and for the frequency; I've been adding it every water to keep the mag levels up but perhaps I should back off...
  5. I

    Redish/rust colored leaves

    Greetings RIU! I first noticed this about a week ago but it is now spreading. Could this be a fungus/bacteria or maybe just a deficiency of some sort? I welcome your input and advice! Plant background: Feminized purplehaze photoperiods from ilgm. In soil on 9/05; on 12/12 schedule since...
  6. I

    Ivor's first grow journal: Purple Haze

    Some photos from yesterday: 12/11, 25th day of 12/12. Some flowers starting to smell like grape They are super bushy and in need of some defoliating; I removed some lower sucker branches on the front two plants after these pictures were taken but it's difficult to trim under the scrog on the...
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    Ivor's first grow journal: Purple Haze

    Updates: 11/17: started 12/12 lighting schedule 11/20: watered same as 11/10 11/28: watered same mix as 11/10 and added 1/4 cup Dr. Earth Flower Girl per plant. I was fairly certain I had added flower girl the previous week but this was not written in my notes anywhere so I added it this...
  8. I

    Ivor's first grow journal: Purple Haze

    11/15 Just some photos of the ladies, hope to take some lights out shots tonight when I perhaps give them a foliar snack. Seeds went into soil on 09/05 so these ladies just turned 71 days old and entered their 10th week. Not sure if I should flip them into flowering schedule now or wait a bit...
  9. I

    Ivor's first grow journal: Purple Haze

    Some updates: Been busy trying not to fail physics undergrad classes so I've been slack on photos and updates 11/09: Added 1/4 cup Dr. Earth Home Grown (4-6-3) in the evening, broke up the top layer a little bit to mix it in; soil was perhaps too dry, definitely hydrophobic, I was hoping...
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    Ivor's first grow journal: Purple Haze

    11/05/22 Split a small bag of worm castings between the four plants today, was about 3 cups per plant. Sprayed plants this evening: 1 gal dehumidifier water + 1/8 tsp x200 aloe powder + 1/2 tsp potassium silicate + 1 tbsp epsom salt. Split what was left after spraying between the four plants to...
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    Ivor's first grow journal: Purple Haze

    Some photos from 11/01/22
  12. I

    Ivor's first grow journal: Purple Haze

    Some pictures with lights off from last night. Tried to get some shots of the currently struggling leaves. Post 1/3
  13. I

    Ivor's first grow journal: Purple Haze

    Hello, thank you for taking a look and commenting! As seedlings they had 250-300umol/m^2/s, increased gradually up to 600 around transplanting time. They are still at 600, lights are 30" from canopy and intensity is set at ~65%, increasing ~5% a day as of yesterday. I don't have a proper ppfd...