Recent content by IvyPirate

  1. IvyPirate

    Happened overnight- Help!

    UPDATE: It looks like the issue was waterlogged cloth buckets. I did transplant one of the Durban and the Mexican Sativa to larger plastic buckets- both look happier (though a lot less full after pruning back the damaged growth). The Shaman wasn't as damaged and, since it is just 3-4 weeks away...
  2. IvyPirate

    Outside grow

    You are looking real good for a second year grow. You didn't mention the seed or seed type you are growing but, as Oill mentioned, wait...the stalks will fill out over time. One trick I did for the first time last year was cut any low growth/branches on your main stalks so that all bud making...
  3. IvyPirate

    Happened overnight- Help!

    One other input- I have growing my plants in fabric bags for years; I have not had this sudden collaspe issue in the past.
  4. IvyPirate

    Happened overnight- Help!

    I had to chop two male Mexican Sativa plants the weekend before; neither were root bound but were not nearly the size of the Durbans. I was also wondering if they (the Durbans) are root bound...
  5. IvyPirate

    Happened overnight- Help!

    Thanks for the quick input and suggestions. Other readers- your input is also welcome! I don't have the option of planting in ground fo several reasons- I do have a 10 gallon cloth bag and will try to transplant the distressed Durban to see if that would help; if I don't kill the plant, I can...
  6. IvyPirate

    Happened overnight- Help!

    Due to long periods of drought and high (95F/35C) temps I have had to water my plants every 2-3 days once the medium they are in becomes dry. On two occassions, I didn't water soon enough and the plants drooped. Last water/feeding was two days ago. Plants are growing in ProMix BX medium. I feed...
  7. IvyPirate

    Long slow drying questions...

    I appreciate the drying tips and will try to go for a longer dry period. I normally dry in my basement but, since I chopped down several trees in my yard, my basement is flooded with light in the afternoons. How dark do I need my drying area to be? I have used my laundry room (which stays dark...
  8. IvyPirate

    Which pot size

    My experience with seedlings going into big pots is that the medium remains wet since there isn't enough plant to draw water from the soil- resulting in soggy roots and stunted growth or root rot. I normally plant my seedlings in a 8oz cup; after 4-6 weeks to a 1/2 gallon pot and after a final...
  9. IvyPirate

    Harvest time determination- Hairs or Trichomes?

    I never thought to use the squeeze test- I did last night and the "red hair" plant buds are a lot firmer than the other plants. (Don't worry- I didn't squeeze too hard, just enough for resistance.) I will harvest those two when I get home this afternoon. No need to stagger- I clipped the plants...
  10. IvyPirate

    Harvest time determination- Hairs or Trichomes?

    Harvest time is coming for my five outdoor ladies- I have been monitoring trichomes e/o day for the past two weeks. On two plants (one is a clone of the other) about 1/3 of trichomes are cloudy, on two others (seeds from the same bag) about 2/3 cloudy & have only have seen 1 amber trichome...
  11. IvyPirate

    Really need a help!

    I know from too much experience- your plants are under-nourished. For several years I would add nutrients to water every other week and, come mid-August, start having leaf drop. My guru in Colorado told to feed weekly- the last two seasons I have not had yellowing leaves! As suggested above...
  12. IvyPirate

    Too late to transplant?

    I did the transplant last Friday afternoon (same day I posted the pics above). Root balls were pretty tight- one plant in particular was more roots than soil. All were transplanted into #7 buckets (a little more than six gallons)- in grows past I used 7 gallon fabric pots but I got a delivery of...
  13. IvyPirate

    Too late to transplant?

    Here are two:
  14. IvyPirate

    Too late to transplant?

    My bad- closer to two feet high (I forgot I had them on a riser when I measured...) I will post some pics later today. Thanks for all the replies!
  15. IvyPirate

    Too late to transplant?

    My plants are just starting to flower- but they are still in their 2 qt starter pots. I haven't had the chance yet to move them into a 6 gallon (volume) bucket. Roots currently are starting to grow out of the bottom of their pots. They were topped at the end of May; each lady is just under 3...