Recent content by Jammes_milller

  1. J

    4x8 Tent with a 4x8 Living Soil Bed. Temp & humidity struggles.

    In my opinion, all LEDs heat up about the same, regardless of class. Pay attention to the heat dissipation from them. LEDs are very sensitive to overheating. Maybe not a pleasant moment.
  2. J

    129 days in foxtailing and still spitting white pistals

    If you post pictures it will be clearer. and so no idea what you've got. You can give bad advice and ruin it! Do not hesitate to post pictures and get a description.
  3. J

    Living Wall Method

    Everything needs space. Did the lack of space greatly affect growth? I also want to grow well, unfortunately I have very little space. Well, if I ever get it, I'll be sure to post it.
  4. J

    Adjustable Bottom Drain Hempy Bucket Bin/Tray thing

    Here is a homemade one! Your hands are obviously growing correctly from the right place. I've always wanted to do something like this, but unfortunately I'm too lazy to do it.