Recent content by Jonboy34

  1. J

    Lockdowns work.

    Maybe in your state but not mine. You can legally own everything you listed except mines. You can own a fully operating tank if you want. You should research a lil more on that. And there are 160 mil legal gun owners way more when you count the illegal ones too. Love it when you guy say your...
  2. J

    Lockdowns work.

    Lol. How dose it feel to be scared, unarmed, and in need of government help?
  3. J

    Lockdowns work.

    With all the gun laws, he still got a gun illegally. This is why in America we like our guns. Mainly the mass shootings happen in gun free zones. Sometimes police are not fast enough. Protect yourself and your family.
  4. J

    Pandemic 2020

    You guys are so dumb you argue with each other. LMAO
  5. J

    Pandemic 2020

    If you want to be part of a team that does that, it’s all good. But there are many who don’t want to be on the team.
  6. J

    Trumper Dies After Taking Trump's Advice

    She is hot though
  7. J

    Pandemic 2020

    When the gov dose that. It’s not on you and it’s not your fault. You did not get a say before.
  8. J

    stock market, jobs, economy all plummeting under trump

    They hate us cause they ain’t us
  9. J

    Trumper Dies After Taking Trump's Advice

    I was thought it was funny when people said Trump was a racist, when he’s married to a Forner
  10. J

    Pandemic 2020

    Good people on both sides? Not from my view.
  11. J

    Pandemic 2020

    Chicago nurses are also treated great.