1 in 5 trump supporters are literally neo-nazis


Trump is crazy racist and doesn't even have the humanity to apologize unlike Biden.
Came across this this morning, it was a pretty interesting look into how Fox News would not air a anti-nazi ad.

Here is the actual video of the Nazi rally in New York that was going on around the time we were coming out of a economic collapse much like what Trump has been pushing us into by trying to burn down all of our economic alliances and protections in our country, closing down the government for a month during the holidays causing economic turmoil for millions, cutting funding to social programs for kids and poor families, on and on.

Any pictures of Fred Trump "at the garden"? I'm pretty sure he'd be there. Fascism has a rich history in America, now that they've combined with southern and other racists, whose concern is more about blacks and latinos more than about Jews, they are a formidable foe Many use a "ranking system" with races. their own at the top of course. The hardcore racist and nazis live for Trump, the soft racist can be persuaded by fear and calamity to change their minds and even to evolve their views.

I think the Captain nailed it, about a fifth of Trump's support from 2016 will walk away from him and not vote or go democrat. Those who were ashamed to admit they voted for Trump, even to pollsters last time, will most likely not vote for Trump again. He's around 40% now, or soon and I figure the rock solid base is around 35% minimum, those who wish to die and to get there will require more death in the south, it won't be long coming. Wait till we get to oversight and the "kill shot" for the GOP senate, if Nancy wants to impeach him over this shit, withholding documents and witnesses over this matter might just do that, especially when folks want answers. This kind of situation is why oversight exists and everybody knows it, it also an emergency situation and the courts might grant immediate relief.
You can't fix stupid, I think most of them are tRUmptards, told you 1 in 5 was low.

Maybe someday they will develop a vaccine against stupid that would also grow a conscience on a rock, utopia.
If he had put Fauci in charge in the beginning and went golfing for the rest of his term and stayed off twitter he'd be unbeatable in the fall, Fauci would re elect him, though unintentionaly I'm fucking sure! Donald or mass death is your real choice here, without the mass death you might not have gotten rid of Donald, a great response by Fauci (or some other expert Fauci is a placeholder here) would have saved his ass, in spite of it all.

Donald is evil, manipulative and dangerous, he is no Machiavelli however and even if he had one like Bannon advising him he would not listen, ya cant tell donald anything. Outside of a narrow set of talents for fucking folks over and being a seductive liar, he is a moron and has been called it lot's by his own officials, Tillerson called him a"fucking moron". King Clorox should have stuck to golf, at which he cheats too, as he does in all things large and small.
Absolutely agree. But the big orange idiot couldn’t do that. He couldn’t be quiet. He couldn’t be human.

How sweet it will be if his narcissism and inhumanity finally bring him down.
That's why I think its important to constantly bait him and force public errors, don't let him go silent FFS! I post morning Joe segments here because Joe baits him and Donald watches compulsively, like a moth to a flame. Joe often starts his day off right and caused many a tweet storm, keep him busy and out of mischief. Donald knows he's a moron cause Joe tells him he is every weekday morning, tells him what he should do too, but Donald is far too stupid to listen. The Donald phenomena interests me, Donald not so much, but I like to try and figure out which way the snake is gonna squirm to get out of the trap of his own making.