Matt Rize
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  • concentrate, yes! i'd be interested to see how you got that pile that is on your profile pic. that's basically what i aim for but haven't locked it down yet. unless those are panko bread crumbs. either way they look delicious.
    Wheee, look at you and April X3

    Are people making an account just to post in Lace and Frills? I want a shiny Recruiter's badge! With ribbon on it... RIBBON! @3@

    Overtired from giftwrapping and making little rosettes to put on them. Shiny shiny pretty things *Wagwag*
    So breakfast sunday morning ;) mmmm french toast and pure maple syrup, all over u of course ;)
    So do you grow with veganics? I am extremely interested in learning more about these techniques. I have created a blog at if you have some time and would be willing to offer up some suggestions. I have posted my potting soil recipe for the moment but I haven't transitioned totally over to veganic yet. Thanks bro. Peace.
    Thanks Matt <3 We're trying to get a plan together from the ashes of the whole situation.

    Lol, Shan-Shan found it easier to reply quickly on my wall, I think he may have been a little busy to be diving in an out of inboxes X3
    Awesome, Sir.

    I regret to say though I received more bad news as I came come from my hospital appointment- mama is staying at her mother's place and I'm watching my brother. We're holding together playing LitlleBig Planet and making sackboy different faces. He looking high when he smiles and it's funny as fuck.
    np bro, nobody needs the extra drama i guess...i got that pic from a bubblehash site, cant remeber the name now..was awhile back ago
    hey brother, have a question, how do earthworms feel about coffee grounds? just wondering if they can break it down faster than the compost heap.
    What's up Rize! Finally back online. Finally with some time to get on here! And looks like you've been holding it down just fine
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