I have used the sticky traps to no avail.The only thing that worked for me was good air circulation, have your fans blowing across your grow medium .what it does it makes it to where they can't land to lay eggs or take off after being hatched their wings are very delicate so it interrupts it...
Seedsman.com is in partnership with Jorge Cervantes and you can go to their site and download a free grow book .I have always received my order from them and would recommend Fastbuds .Seedsman has been in business for over two decades.
I make my own from CBG White Hemp so their is no high but I get relief from swelling and pain throughout my whole body and helps me with stomach issues as well,it takes 5 days to make been buying the Hemp from D D Farms google search D D farms Hemp the machine I use is the Ardent Fx and I...
Make my own CBG Hemp double infused tincture .Works for me as I have acute arthritis throughout my body with a lot of swelling .I put a drop or 2 when I make my morning coffee .
First time posting so sorry if in the wrong place,I cannot grow but I like to absorb all the info I can .This seems interesting to say the least and sure it is on the pricey side Fotonica Bio-Lighting Solutions and if it does what they say it would be a game changer.