Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

And yet another violation of federal law (Hatch act).
That's what daddy's pardon's are for, she might be the only one who gets one, everybody else might end up under the bus as the blame game begins. Donald would fuck over Don jr in a heartbeat and Eric the imbecile would make a perfect patsy, I'm sure he signs lots of documents he can't read.
I like you. I think you’re a good guy with a big heart. So I say this with all sincerity and good intention, hanamal, fogdog and unclebuck are never going to like you so stop kissing their asses.
I'm nice to everybody except Trumpers and the enemy of my enemy is my friend, warts and all. I'm not really here for personal reasons and ignore the slings and arrows. Make friends when you can and focus on the real enemy, it's a logic driven approach, you need not love your allies, but it helps to be friends and friendly.
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Me waiting for trump to talk about light bulbs....he is such a jeneeous!