Recent content by Nugnewbie

  1. Nugnewbie

    Fascism and the Republican Party

    Yeah, not sure how many red flags it takes to alarm people. Those who follow politics are aware, but so many don't. Many have lives that are too busy to pay attention.
  2. Nugnewbie

    Examples of GOP Leadership
  3. Nugnewbie

    Stuff that doesn't really fit in either "Examples of" thread....
  4. Nugnewbie

    President Musk
  5. Nugnewbie

    Canadian Stuff
  6. Nugnewbie

    Fascism and the Republican Party

    Illegal executive order to f*ck with your elections.
  7. Nugnewbie

    Canadian Stuff

    Hate to burst anyone's bubble, but we're not completely united. I did not vote for her and never will. Was kind of hoping the felon puts her on a plane to an El Salvador...
  8. Nugnewbie

    Examples of GOP Leadership Looks like Republicans have figured out a solution to their bad policy on deportation of immigrants, changing laws to allow child labor. (More bad policy) More on the way.... HB 1225 and SB 918...
  9. Nugnewbie

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    Dumpy talks like a guy with immunity. A buffoon with immunity. What could go wrong? Love how he is discrediting the journalist (widely respected journalist) and the widely respected publication "The...
  10. Nugnewbie

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    "I don't recall".
  11. Nugnewbie

    Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

    Too busy flooding the zone to notice.
  12. Nugnewbie

    Examples of GOP Leadership
  13. Nugnewbie

    Yesterday's Mass Shooting.
  14. Nugnewbie

    Examples of GOP Leadership
  15. Nugnewbie


    I don't agree. If you are conflating the felon with Biden I am not buying it. Or Putin with Biden. Now if you are conflating Putin, Trump and Netanyahu, I think you could be onto something. That you are classing Biden w/ these other politicians tells me all I need to know. Have a nice day...