Recent content by old_smoke

  1. old_smoke

    I don't think New York is a good place to grow.

    I'm on Long Island and I grow GSC. I had one go until Nov 23rd a couple years ago (that was overdone . . . best quality was harvested end of Oct). I figure that mother nature is going to take about 20%. I do training to get as many tops as possible. I'm not gunning for the biggest or most...
  2. old_smoke

    Almost ready to harvest but heat is coming

    Agree with others that it's too early. In the photo you posted I noticed one sugar leaf with a brown tip (see circle). You might want to check out that bud to be sure you don't have some bud rot starting.
  3. old_smoke

    Open show an tell 2023

    Update of my post from about 2 weeks ago: This is a GSC that is last year's clone. Harvest window is mid Oct. I have lots of 3-pointed leaves. Don't know why that is, but everything seems to be moving along nicely...
  4. old_smoke

    Lollipop Yes or No???

    I trim this much. Imo, the good stuff happens at the top of the plant.
  5. old_smoke

    Open show an tell 2023

    It looks like most everyone is having a good grow so far. I've seen some very impressive plants. Fingers crossed for good weather in Sept/Oct. Here's my previous post: The 2nd level of trellis netting is at less than...
  6. old_smoke

    Topping Outdoor Plants

    I think that "go go kid" makes good points. If height isn't an issue I too would leave them alone. You're pretty close to flowering and my opinion is that as a newish grower your priorities are to get a usable harvest and nail down the drying and curing before focusing on maximizing yield...
  7. old_smoke

    Topping Outdoor Plants

    Hey there! I'm from Long Island too (North Fork area). I grow in the ground so I need to LST or top to prevent the plants from getting too tall. This year I'm using netting to create a SCROG. I will put up a 2nd layer of netting in the next day or two. Here's my last post from about 2 weeks ago...
  8. old_smoke

    Open show an tell 2023

    Below is an update to my post about this year's grow: The plant is filling out the SCROG (5' wide with 3 1/2" squares). And here's the same plant in profile so you can see how it's pushing up the netting. I haven't...
  9. old_smoke

    What is your preventative spray routine?

    I use a mix of Neem oil and BT at concentrations recommended on the bottle. I spray every 2 weeks in veg and will spray BT occasionally in early flower if I see a lot of caterpillar activity. I’m on Long Island, NY. You might want to check out LEGAL PEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR CANNABIS...
  10. old_smoke

    Dude, Aphids Suuuck!

    I use neem oil. I follow dosage instructions on bottle and make sure to spray the underside of the leaves. I struggle with aphids on my indoor grows, but not usually outside. My peas . . . that's a different story! . . . the aphids around here love peas!
  11. old_smoke

    Open show an tell 2023

    Link to what I used is below (I see now it's 3.5" rather than 3"). I set up my SCROG by putting in 7' t-posts and then threading clothesline through the outer edge of the trellis netting rather than looping the netting over the t-posts. The clothesline attached to the t-posts. This made for a...
  12. old_smoke

    Open show an tell 2023

    Yes, they're going into the ground. I'll use 3 layers of 3" netting for my SCROG and each plant should fill up a 5' x 5' area. My hope is to have >100 tops on at least one of the plants. This is a photo from last Sept of a plant that harvested 60 tops. I used 2 layers of netting and one was...
  13. old_smoke

    Open show an tell 2023

    Howdy all. I live on Long Island, NY. This year I'm going to flower my July '22 GSC clones that were overwintered. The plants are 10 months old and will be 15 at harvest. I overwintered them (and 3 others that I scrapped in March) under a single 4' 75w LED. I kept the temp around 60 degrees and...
  14. old_smoke

    Autoflowers outdoors?

    I'm on Long Island, NY.
  15. old_smoke

    Autoflowers outdoors?

    I grew a few autoflowers outdoors last summer since we used/gave away too much of our 2021 harvest and were going to run out of weed before the next harvest. We grew 3 sets of 2 plants (6 total) and harvested in July and August. Had no issues growing in 3 gallon pots. Growing autoflowers filled...