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  • hey there,
    I harvested the LA Confidential on Tuesday or was it monday...anyway not a huge producer but maybe 50 grams or so when dry...mike did the Skunk x A3 this morning...probably will get close to 85 grams once it dries. we'll put all into quart mason jars to cure and in a month or so should be good to go. the LA might have gone a little too far...almost all were amber and tried a small pop-corn that dried out and one hit was all i could do...after i did it i thought i shouldn't have done that...couch-lock is too light of a word...more like couch-pad-locked....the taste was really good though, even w/out any cure. let us know how those beans work and photos....shannon
    Lowryder 2 takes 60-65 days from seed to finish. I let one go to about 70 days and it was much more couchlock! Yep, I'm looking forward to watching these beans grow....I did a bit of lst on one lowryder which did fair enough to make me want to do it more. I do have a bit of room and intend to lst a bit and also use chicken wire to scrog.... I also saw a bubbleponics system at the hydro store that seemed simple....gotta find a good ph meter....if I keep practicing, perhaps I'll get better at it one of these days...LOL....I hope to have viable and visual results soon..... Donny
    hi, sounds great...glad a couple of them popped for you. Hopefully more will as well. we didn't top the one we have growing now. So the main cola is about 8" and still a week or so to go. If you know how to do low stress training we found they grow really well that way. Might be something to try sometime just for kicks. Its easy to do and spreads out the branches so they all get light; but you have to have the room in the grow area. We did it with just one plant and it was pretty amazing how she grew. how long does that lowryder 2 take from the time it spouts to finish? We are anxious to watch your progress and look forward to your updates and photos. thx, shannon
    hey, glad they arrived. it was his idea to use the gum package. thought it might work but wasn't sure. typically have used card board and insert the beans into the little holes and plug them with cotton to keep them from rattling. I hope it all grows well for you and let us know if you have any problems getting them to germinate. can always send some more. sounds like you had a good day with the two packages arriving and having company as well. Read the BMO stuff closely and follow that schedule i sent you and adjust as u see fit. Nothing is cut in stone...adjust as the plants need...good luck and will be waiting to see some photos. Ours are taking a little longer also with all this cold weather. about a week late so it appears. shann
    No 'mam.... not today....only a couple of bills...... BUT.....I'm ready! Acquired some ffof .............and bmo was shipped today......we're in a VERY rural area with a satelite po...slow sometimes....carrier is actually an old party buddy.....he'd let me know if anything got yanked in route! Gonna kick back, toke a little lowryder....watch for him Monday! I'll post imm upon arrival........
    Your beans will be the first to be placed in my new room....still using the old room to finish another round of lowryders and a couple of mid bagseed and keep my bonzai thru the winter. This single digit weather has stretched flower a bit.....how's yours?
    Yeah, we have a local nursery that carries fox farm along with a bunch of other goodies..... will pick up some OF....just ordered a BMO package also. Thanks!
    That's just about how I like it too! Sometimes one wants a pick-me-up...sometimes one needs a couch-ride...LOL ...actually, I treat these damn spasms I have from this friggin' ms crap.... and my head kinda likes it too!
    BTW.....I'm acquiring some BMO...which soil do you rec ?
    its no problem. glad to be able to help you out. remember we had some trouble getting some to spout. not sure if its age or what. they are 4 years old,been kept in a dark dry cool place. sometimes all will pop then others nothing. took three trys to get some spouting. you should have enough to meet your needs and can always send more if you need some. its a nice mid range thc smoke...nothing really strong like 20%, probably like a 12-15% range.we like it as its a stavia/indica 75/25 blend. take care, shann
    Looking forward ! .....definitely understand the heater....I lost all my bonzai last year due to a tripped breaker.....Lost a few nice ones. This yr, the cold has slowed down my bagseed quite a bit....let me know your smoke report on your harvest!
    I really quite honored and humbled that you have sent some beans to me....very kind of yall......being on a fixed income AND still raising a teenager (yeah...late in life huh?) doesn't leave much to play with.... so I REALLY THANK YALL ..... you've helped my medicinal future!
    I"ll give ya aholler when they arrive. Donny
    hey there. we have a little heater where our two are at...a few more days on the LA Confidental and about two weeks on the Skunk2 x A3. We've had some trouble getting those beans to spout, could be they are getting older. But once they do, you're good to go. Sent about 30 or so...at least that's what he said he packed up for you. just let us know when you get them. shann
    Shann, THAT sounds great!...we've turned a bit colder here Too....single digits! 'spose to snow tonight and tomorrow....been working on my new room....a week or so away from moving more lowryders to finish....
    I look forward to your beans.....bought an array of scopes, 10x ,30x, 60x to assess appropriately....love looking at trics! and watching how they progress. The best thing for me is having a KNOWN quality in hand rather what a buddy dropped by with.......
    My first harvest of lowryder definitely gave me a lot of confidence...and patience!
    Thanks again...
    I'm sending this again, cuz we're not sure if it went through. shannon

    hey there, happy new year to you also...sounds like a nice way to spend an evening...its cold and snowy here...very cold in the teens/low 20s. Hope the lowryder came out well. I'll try and get you some beans in the mail this week...might have them by the weekend. we used a MIH for four weeks 24/7 not counting the two weeks they were seedlings still 24/7. we had the light up pretty high during that two weeks until they developed into little plants.then slowly lowered it down to about 8-9 inches. That height depends on the envirnoment/heat etc. Use your judgement on that. Had a fan on the whole time blowing this way and that...used the BMO stuff and loved it. Switched to HPS at the end of week four. They take about nine weeks to finish out. Again watch the tri's and little hairs. pretty simple for the most part. talk with you later, shannon
    hey there,
    mike, my hubby said he mailed them today. he was supposed to do it yesterday but forgot them in his truck and missed the mail pickup. let me know when they arrive. i'd guess by saturday. good luck, shannon
    merry christmas,

    we have about 400 of the Skunk x A3 seeds that we got from a plant. they are about four years old now and every single seed that spouted and grew was female. Not one male ever out of 80 some plants. i'll send you a little packet of them, some will spout others not. I think the age is catching up with them or something. They grow really well and the smoke is great. ours are in day 36 right now. they are a 8-9 week flower time with a 4-5 week veg so you are looking at about 15 weeks in all. send me a po box or something and i'll try to get them to you next week. glad to help out. our LA Confidental is doing great only about three weeks left in her flower time...give or take a few days. hope you all had a great christmas, take care, shannon
    still going...prolly until early january for the LA Confidental and end of Jan for the Skunk3 x A2...stativa's take a longer to finish..both look really great though...i should send you some of the skunk seeds for you to try....they are all fems!
    just sent ya a long pm but dont know what happened to it-lol- said you dont exist, so i'll come over here and say thanks a million for the LR info, haven't found a whole lot on them and your info helped a lot. Mine be startin wk 6 Mon, and im gonna do the same as you, snatch a little early bud for a sample. thanks again.
    Hey man, another old one here. I'm on my first indoor grow and found you in my search for lowryder info. I'm starting week 5 and been wonderin if they're lookin as they should. I haven't found your journal yet but i will, new at forums and computers also-lol- i got 2 LR2 and 6 poison dwarf auto. I'll put some pics on my profile or wherever? Appreciate any info, i'm like shannon, cruise a lot for ideas. I always loved growing things, my first tomatoes at 12, i'm now fifty---?.Got no yard but got over 80 potted plants outside. So this is my first attempt at growin maryjane, whaddya ya'll think? will keep in touch with both of you if ok.
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