Recent content by PizzaMan5000

  1. P

    Fuckin zooted bro

    Fuckin zooted bro
  2. P

    My "daily" strain isn't too stinky, but it's quite tall. I sometimes do "lemon Amnesia" and a...

    My "daily" strain isn't too stinky, but it's quite tall. I sometimes do "lemon Amnesia" and a couple 8" clones stink more than my sugar candy late in flower. Lemon amnesia stinks up the whole place, but the high has no plateau. I can smoke a big blunt, and need the handrail to get upstairs.
  3. P

    Mid level/ center level of pot not absorbing water

    A tiny bit of soap can help, so can submerging the pot in water to force the dry spots to soak. Soil likes to become water repellent when it gets really dry. It's science. Get it wet once and it's fine.
  4. P

    Hung a "True North" air freshener tree in the return-air vent to supplement my carbon filters...

    Hung a "True North" air freshener tree in the return-air vent to supplement my carbon filters. Not a hint of bud smell, house smells like pine but slightly masculine. Should keep my laundry and dreads safe for work. Not quite as nice as "Pine wonderland" by Glade, but AutoZone carries it in...
  5. P

    Motivated enough to flip my tents to flower. Gonna need all 7' of height this time around...

    Motivated enough to flip my tents to flower. Gonna need all 7' of height this time around. Mounted my LED's at 45° angles flush with the ceiling.... The trunks are 1.5-2" diameter :)
  6. P

    Im a mechanic, but yes delivered pizza for years. I see about 1-2 blown ecotec turbos, and 2-4...

    Im a mechanic, but yes delivered pizza for years. I see about 1-2 blown ecotec turbos, and 2-4 blown Hyundai's every month. Sometimes I feel pretty bad for these people. Lots of people without a ton of money drive cars that burn oil. Some cars are less forgiving of running dry. But if you...
  7. P

    Pleeeease people! CHECK YOUR OIL!

    Pleeeease people! CHECK YOUR OIL!
  8. P

    What are you smoking today?

    Bought a Shaggin Wagon for $600, dude handed me a 1oz nug of some outdoor brick/dirt weed too. It's trash weed, but I'll never forget the deal.
  9. P

    Does Anyone Still Smoke Spliffs?

    I smoke spliffs at lunch or while driving in traffic. I just put a sprinkle of weed in, and smoke the whole thing. Sometimes I will do 90% weed and just a tinge of tobacco so it burns better while at home, but generally there's more tobacco than weed in my case. With a bit of "clove tobacco"...
  10. P

    China LEDs

    My Chinese blurples did this after 10mo. They would flicker on cold starts, then fail a couple days later. Note the EXPLODED diodes. Kinda makes me think it's a fire hazard. The blue diodes turn melted black, starting with the very center diode, then the other blues follow.
  11. P

    Pros and cons of growing in a 10 gal airport ?

    I would do a 2-5 gal airpot if indoors, as height is a concern. I feel like smaller airpots let my plants mature, but not stretch.
  12. P

    Please help! How far into flower is she?

    Yeah looks like it "re-vegged" because of those fan leaf blades that are solo as opposed to a five+ "fingered" leaf. If it's your only plant, keep it. If you have nicer plants nearby; you might wanna cull it in case it produces Hermie pollen.
  13. P

    Metal Heads Unite

    RIP Joey );
  14. P

    Got guns?

    "Black dude whips out his Python® in front of some white chicks"
  15. P

    Problems after moving to LED

    I burned my clones with LED, had to wait a few weeks for new growth before they bounced back.