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  • I never spam my merchandise on this store. people hear I own a store and petition me themselves. I wouldnt do that. I would have setup a an agreement and cut RIU in I was considering that. And ive been very adament about it. peace from Lynden WA
    I need to make a sticky in the legal forums, everybody in america can freely smoke and grow anywhere. Its true. No body is obligated to any statutes or anything the government says its a hoax and i have proof. This country is corrupt and people need to know the truth. Knowledge is power and the key. It all starts with your name. When your born your automatically issued a birth certificate with a name on it. It does not belong to you, it even says on it property of Some governed office. If people know not to claim the name in the court of law, your free like you should be. It is everybodies god given right to do as they please besides killing thieving ext. i can help alot or people sharing my knowlege
    Hi there potroast, I have been seen an ever increasing number of threads which I believe are meant to troll unsuspecting victims.
    There is a thread in advacded techniques about using breast milk to feed plants http://www.rollitup.org/advanced-marijuana-cultivation/435688-feeding-your-plant-breastmilk.html

    , or this thread about growing a"meth plant".

    I really doubt the OP's of these threads actually are considering these techniques and I feel its more of a trolling technique to gain emotional responses from people.
    This seems to be fairly common place these days, now I don't think name calling ok, but these type of threads sucker people in and get them upset.

    wishing you the best.
    New here and cant seem to get much response, I have posted under Newb and General MJ growing, even included pics....just a few basic questions is all really. Thanks man. in newb section under " Newb needs advice!! Pics this time!!"
    You know I can choose to represent myself in any way I see fit as obidding by the terms of use correct? Show me where I violated them? Oh wait...I didn't. You are a biased, stuck in the 60's, lazy, coniving moderator who hides behind fdd to take flack for all your poor decisions.

    What happened to your stupid ass idea for you to bring in other mods to make this place more wholesom? Oh right your boss ignored you...like usual. No wonder you take some many power trips. And your grow advice sucks. It's very outdated.
    last thing, the guy who was up in uncle bens thread trolling him looking for an emotional response(hoagtech) he is selling stuff off this site. I reported his post in one of the threads where he was trying to generate business and also on his profile.
    This guy makes a living selling stuff to people, most of whom know zero about growing, I can see why he took such offense to uncle ben telling the truth about all the snake oils out there on the market.
    Dear potroast, please bring uncle ben back, thanks for all the help you have brought the community over the last ten years, that is all.
    Thank you.
    hello i seem to be having a bit of a problem, it wont let me post or reply back to friends. everything was ok when i first set up this account i created a post and replyed to a friend and in less than half an hour i was not able to do these thing. is there anyway that you could help me? thank you for your time.
    I was wanting to get in contact with rollie, normally ill drop him a private message but his box is stuffed and he hasn't signed in for awhile... rather not post it as a visitor message... any recomendations?
    Oh yer i just worked that sh!t out, sorry dude, can i do anything else, like html style!
    Hey dude! Welcome to my message! I just wanted to ask what i typed to change the colour of words/sentences when i wrote in threads?? Can you list me the colour, can you do scrolling words/flashing words etc! Yo yo yo dude please get back to me and if the answer is no you can't then you suck! nahhhh only joking dude you rock so hurry it up and let me know! Thanks 'Kingrow the 1st'!
    Can you please let me know what RIU's take is on Trolling?
    I am talking about thedoc08 whom is an admitted troll. He contributes little or nothing to the forum, yet constantly belittles and aggrivates any member he can. I currently have him on ignore, but damn, this guy does nothing but piss people off.
    Can you please clarify or link me to the proper place so I can understand what conduct is allowed and what is not.
    Thank you for your contribution to the forum & have a nice weekend.
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