Recent content by Rocket Soul

  1. Rocket Soul

    Led Users Unite!

    Its a red led and not a blue based white led. Reds are inherently more photon efficient since each photon carries less energy. These diodes are somewhat old, article is from -23, the latest osram.reds are the Osconic line, with even a little more efficiency, main thru lower voltage and energy...
  2. Rocket Soul

    What's the Best Currently Available Strip for a Self build?

    Most semiconductors trade at a higher prices after the pandemic.
  3. Rocket Soul

    LED's and cal/mag def = ONLY extra cal/mag needed or just up ppms due to more par levels?

    What type of medium are you in? We balance ec in with whatever EC out we get. First water one plant and measure; and then adapt the feed and water it again if needs be. Take note on your ec out and figure out what works best for you. We saw good results from increasing EC during mid flower (coco...
  4. Rocket Soul

    What's the Best Currently Available Strip for a Self build?

    I dont really think theres much of savings in diy led anymore unless you get some type of deal on your leds. Maybe buying enough leds for a couple of lights? But for a single light its harder nowadays with ali prices gone thru the floor.
  5. Rocket Soul

    What's the Best Currently Available Strip for a Self build?

    Lumens are for humans. They are 2.9something ppf/w which is approximately equivalent to somewhere around 200lum/w. Its the red supp; it carries much more photons than lumens. And this is at around 50w operation, a little more efficiency if you go lower watts.
  6. Rocket Soul

    What's the Best Currently Available Strip for a Self build?

    Thank you i stand corrected :) I guess i havent looked thru whats out there recently. Ill have a look thru these, very interesting.
  7. Rocket Soul

    What's the Best Currently Available Strip for a Self build?

    Not in any strips from general distributors, only in grow strips. Alibaba places have some offerings if you look around
  8. Rocket Soul

    President Musk

    Lets face it Elon Musk lost more net wealth in the last couple of months than all the US aid (military and civil) that the US has given to Ukraine during 3 years. This says a lot of both him, Biden and Trump. Think whatever you like about his politics but he sure as hell is very efficient at...
  9. Rocket Soul


    Amazon advice: do shop there but dont start your search there, youll wade thru a sea of the last two decades of shitty lights in order to find the few good ones.
  10. Rocket Soul

    Too much light? Upward-curving leaves and foxtailing

    Autos may need less intensity, if you have increased daylight hours.
  11. Rocket Soul

    Too much light? Upward-curving leaves and foxtailing

    Read thru to see if you figured out what happened cause initial photos didnt look like too much light to me; sure some tacoing but missing all tell tale signs of led over lighting: bleached green and purple stems would normally show before tacoing. Glad you got it figured out:)
  12. Rocket Soul

    Sealed/Hybrid? Best Stealth Intake Options?

    If you totally sealed you need CO2 tanks for co2 replenishment. If you have a little intake you can use gas burners. Whats the predominant climate where your doing this? Cold/hot? Dry/wet? If you were running HPS previously the whole climate handling becomes different. With hps ideally lower...
  13. Rocket Soul

    LED's and cal/mag def = ONLY extra cal/mag needed or just up ppms due to more par levels?

    One of those solutions is hanging a few low watt incandescant lightbulbs, but you really have to be carefull and balance it wih the rest of the lighting: they can cause a lot of stretch. @Moflow is an inspiration when it comes to growing with leds in the cold, i think he quote insulating his...
  14. Rocket Soul

    LED's and cal/mag def = ONLY extra cal/mag needed or just up ppms due to more par levels?

    Its better to think in totals than in concentrations: more efficient spectrum (possibly) but also that your led light doesnt create as much radiant heat, which means lower leaf temps, lower transpiration, drinking less. You have to dial it in between concentrations in the root zone and your...