Recent content by Rottedroots

  1. Rottedroots

    Ain’t no way Chump will win in the general election.

    The independents are gonna vote Biden and his real base is not big enough to carry him. I also think a lot of republicans don’t like him with the exception of Republicans in office who are terrified of him. A vote for Biden is a vote for our VP cause Biden isn’t going to survive another four...
  2. Rottedroots

    Taking weed to PR?

    I’ve taken weed with me everywhere from Russia to Turkey with no issues ever. I just never bring any home. I can’t imagine going fishing and such without something to burn. In Jamaica and Haiti all I could find was really skanky brown dirt weed like I smoked a lot of in the seventies although...
  3. Rottedroots

    Are opiates the only painkiller?

    I put this here because i have a serious allergy to opiates and haven't been exposed to them for years? Well i have surgery scheduled and the Dr recommended ibuprofen and Tylenol. Well damm if the internet doesnt have any options that require a prescription i know that Michael J Pophanaol sp...
  4. Rottedroots

    Police Interactions.

    One of the biggest problems is that the cops go to school for six months or something like that and we’re lucky if they spend a day or two on the constitution and what the relative amendments mean. They get out of stupid school thinking they are above constitutional law. I've had a lot of...
  5. Rottedroots

    AR-15 stands for assault rifle 15

    The 5.56 bullet is fully jacketed and designed to wound not kill, the premise being it takes two more soldiers to carry the wounded one out. If it makes the general populous feel safer to simply ban AR style rifles then we should ban them or at least require that newly manufactured ARs have...
  6. Rottedroots


    At some point there will be Ukranians burning crops and disrupting oil and gas facilities in Russia causing a lot more strife for the Russian poor and problems for Putin I am curious as to why people don't think those the Ukrainians dont have a few nukes left over from the olden days.
  7. Rottedroots


    The USA and NATO don't need to put boots on the ground to have a major impact. Lets at least get many more of the hand held anti tank weaponry and surface to air missles to the Ukraine. Tanks rumbling through the capital would make easy targets. Maybe there are some Ukrainian "contractors" out...
  8. Rottedroots


    Long term the Russian invasion on the Ukraine will be a festering pimple on Vladimir's ass. The sanctions are going to have a dramatic effect on the Russian economy as a whole and the people who will suffer the most are the poor. Putin will have to use a heavy hand and that's where the fires of...
  9. Rottedroots

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    I'll admit to a bit of sarcasm which surprisingly Nappy missed because he is generally more intuitive that that. I'm definitely not supporting an invasion, I was tongue in cheek pointing out how both the Russians and the US failed with the same policy lasting 20 years with zero effect other...
  10. Rottedroots

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    Ideally Russia will invade Ukraine and spend the next 20 years trying to suppress the people. They will never win decisively but it would sure be a drain on their already suffering lower classes and the economy. They just don't have the funds to throw a way like we did in Afghanistan.
  11. Rottedroots

    Another gun thread

    Birch stock and a five round magazine the 14 is not very intimidating. Slap on a black plastic stock and grab a few 30 rd mags and you've changed the whole character of the firearm but you haven't changed the function.
  12. Rottedroots

    Another gun thread

    Yes the cops you encounter in the UK and Japanese are unarmed but that's enough for a bar room brawl. Not far away however are heavily armed anti terrorists units ready to go. Probably the best of both worlds. I store my ammo and powder in wooden chests. I used to use old school lockers chained...
  13. Rottedroots

    Was Biden a good choice or was he the only choice?

    Jesus does my post really make me somehow right wing. Grandpapy just tell me what following the money means from a layman's perspective? I wasn't suggesting that I was going to follow the trail to corruption I was simply suggesting we pursue fraud wear it exists. How would you like to have me...
  14. Rottedroots

    Was Biden a good choice or was he the only choice?

    I'm not a big fan of President Biden but he was our only option to drive Trump out of office. Personally I would have voted for an untrained monkey as long as it was a democratic monkey. Right now I'm very concerned that the trillions that are going toward infrastructure and a blend of other...
  15. Rottedroots

    The dream is dead.

    Black Americans have been beaten into believing the dream doesn't exist for them and I think there is a degree of resignation in some black communities. Role models should be the likes of Condoleezza Rice, Maya Angelou, Colin Powell, and that president guy. Instead it's a basketball or football...