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What propaganda: my grandfather was born in Lvov a Pole ended up in Auschwitz where the most brutal guards were Ukrainian after war went back only to be discover his whole family had been purified by Ukro-Nazis. They not just marching in the streets they are the ones shelling and sniping civilians in Donbass last 8 years
The shit coming out of Putin's mouth that you are on here parroting.

Sucks about what you are saying your grandfather and his family went through.

How many times has the west by now invaded sovereign countries to introduce "democracy"? I'm pretty sure those people are super thankful
Is this some bullshit deflection troll? What does that have to do with the little dictator in Russia currently slaughtering innocent people in Ukraine because of whatever the real reason that has nothing to do with the lies he has been telling and propaganda that he has been having manufactured to try to trick people into believing it is a good thing?
The USA and NATO don't need to put boots on the ground to have a major impact. Lets at least get many more of the hand held anti tank weaponry and surface to air missles to the Ukraine. Tanks rumbling through the capital would make easy targets. Maybe there are some Ukrainian "contractors" out there who could stress out the Russians in Moscow with a few well placed bombs or does that constitute terrorism? The Russians have no qualms about using chemicals so maybe Sarin scented candles might get the Kremlin's attention. I dont mean that but taking the fight to russia is doable and would shake more of those opposed to the invasion out of the trees and into the streets. Let Putin fight his war on two fronts.
How many times has the west by now invaded sovereign countries to introduce "democracy"? I'm pretty sure those people are super thankful
See here? This is a good example of grievance politics. Yep, the US has been on the wrong side of the issues many time. Yet nothing you said applied to Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

I get you are angry at the US. Just don't let your emotions cloud your thinking. Please review what Putin did and said in order to justify the invasion and tell me again, "but US is bad". Your logic fails and it doesn't work on most of the people on this forum. Not because we don't agree that the US has done a lot of harm. We disagree because we see what Putin is doing and your argument falls apart in the face of the facts.
They may be mostly ethnic Russians, but they are living on Ukrainian territory. There isn’t an excuse for Russia to violate Ukraine’s sovereignty. It is a national-level criminal act rather like how Poland was done 83 years ago.
Pooti Poot gave them Russian passports so he could later say he was going in to save Russians.
NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg said the alliance was deploying parts of its combat-ready response force and would continue to send weapons to Ukraine, including air defences "We are now deploying the NATO response force for the first time in the context of collective defence"

Better hope one of the shirtless midgets partners puts a bullet in him because things are escalating.
NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg said the alliance was deploying parts of its combat-ready response force and would continue to send weapons to Ukraine, including air defences "We are now deploying the NATO response force for the first time in the context of collective defence"

Better hope one of the shirtless midgets partners puts a bullet in him because things are escalating.
The plan is to strangle Russia economically over the next decade. I hear Vlad wants talks in Belorussia with the Ukrainian government, sure Vlad as soon as you vacate Ukrainian territory, we upped the stakes, that now includes Crimea.
NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg said the alliance was deploying parts of its combat-ready response force and would continue to send weapons to Ukraine, including air defences "We are now deploying the NATO response force for the first time in the context of collective defence"

Better hope one of the shirtless midgets partners puts a bullet in him because things are escalating.
If this escalates to WW2 style urban fighting in the big cities(reports of thousands of civilians receiving weapons) ,and the Ukranians have surprised the Russians w/their dogged tenacity,world opinion of the carnage is going to seriously erode Putin's standing immensely. Coupled w/economic pain and Putin becoming a pariah the Oligarchs might plot together to take him out(fingers crossed)
What do you think the reaction of NATO is gonna be to this bullshit? You'll only launch once Vlad before Russia is obliterated so ya might as well make it a good one. Before ya know it someone might be doing a "first strike" as the least risky option and guess who probably has that capability with stealth cruse missiles followed up by ICBMs?

Keep it up Vlad and you'd better hope someone hasn't come up with something unexpected and figures you or Russia ain't worth the risk of having around anymore. What would China do? Whooo hoo, look at all that land with just 16 million radiation sickened people, borders moving north ASAP, thanks America.
