Recent content by Rusher

  1. Rusher

    Canadian Grow Thread - Northern Climate Grow Advice/Strains

    Here in Yukon, I run Autos exclusively during the summer, and shut down indoor activities. Drop seed indoors May 15th, out to the greenhouse June 10th. This year: Cheers!
  2. Rusher

    Nine Pound Hammer

    If you can't move them to a different area, run a fan in the shed to move the air, reduce the chances of mold. Cheers!
  3. Rusher

    Keeping away hares and badgers. pee?

  4. Rusher

    Keeping away hares and badgers. pee?

    Looks good if you want to kill them. My Mother in Law wants them to 'Fuck off the to neighbor's house' as she puts it. They, ahem, don't get along.
  5. Rusher

    Keeping away hares and badgers. pee?

    Are King Cobras not the biggest concern facing guerrilla cannabis growing today? Damn, need to do some more reading...
  6. Rusher

    Keeping away hares and badgers. pee?

    Works on most rodents and pests. eBay link: Source: My Mother in Law. Swears by them. I have never even laid eyes on. Good luck!
  7. Rusher

    doublejj's 2018 Experience....

    Lovely! Everybody should have one. Excellent work.
  8. Rusher

    Want to live in a former grow-op? That's why we can't allow home pot farming

    Thanks for posting. That was fkn funny. Whew. Needed that. Back to work.
  9. Rusher

    The Original 16oz Party Cup Comp

    I respectfully withdraw from the contest. I have to knock down the grow areas to prepare the house for renos, and then for sale. Mrs. Rusher and I decided to retire early. Off to Croatia in late summer, fall of this year. NOW, when I get there, well, Mediterranean conditions. I will be Johnny...
  10. Rusher

    ACMPR - wait times

    One week shy of 6 months. Signed for at HC September 14th 2017. Eeeech... Today in the mail: In what world is a 6 month wait NOT a barrier to access? Sinful.
  11. Rusher

    The Original 16oz Party Cup Comp

    Purple Bayou, the sole survivor of the 'Wrath of Fred'. Lost 3 White Lemon, (no loss, Greenhouse Seeds have never rung my bell) and the other Purple Bayou. Fred, The Destroyer: I know he doesn't look that tough right now, but damn that cat loves cannabis leaves. My fault, left the door...
  12. Rusher

    Trouble adjusting to COBs

    CalMag isn't just Calcium and Magnesium; it also a bunch of micro-nutrients your tap-water probably doesn't have. And the girls under COB get CalMag every other water/feed.
  13. Rusher

    Trouble adjusting to COBs

    You didn't mention the temperature of the COBs you're using. I'm using the 3500K Vero29s, and the only thing I had to add was CalMag, lots of it. Easy transition from HPS to COBs for me. Plants look as good, if not better than under HPS. Best of luck finding your issue. Cheers!
  14. Rusher

    The Original 16oz Party Cup Comp

    Yup, can't wait for it to get all purple-y and insane.
  15. Rusher

    The Original 16oz Party Cup Comp

    Self-portrait on Cup #1 is the shit. Happy Growing!