ACMPR - wait times

So technically...your 1 year prescription will expire before the actual license, making the tail end of your license illegal. This is basically saying it doesn’t matter what your Dr still have to wait to register to grow. Such utter BS!
just part of their "pile" of shit they are TRYING to get away with is all (:
Let the fights pile up and make a mockery of the sick :o"so they wont know which way to turn and we will "try" and make their head spin!" ya ..:) good luck fools! Courts BEHIND US MOFOS!

and it wont work,, you lost before they started..
They cant get passed that point folks! Nothing they try is legal or can they get away with it..
So technically...your 1 year prescription will expire before the actual license, making the tail end of your license illegal. This is basically saying it doesn’t matter what your Dr still have to wait to register to grow. Such utter BS! that it's written that your grow licence starts the day HC issues documents to do so, I'd be a little leary of starting the day my doc signs.....boom....loophole closed....can't use that as your argument anymore. that it's written that your grow licence starts the day HC issues documents to do so, I'd be a little leary of starting the day my doc signs.....boom....loophole closed....can't use that as your argument anymore.
are you kidding me? Whats with this kind of thinking?
So yer sick have no choice but to use pot to save your life and you have to wait for HC to say ok for your meds?
HA HA Funny Shit @WHATFG.... my god..dont try and push this thought. Its ludicrous.
a script is a script is a script from your GP
HC has NO say in your health plans..Give your head a shake girl and dont believe this bullish! its wrong plain and simply put.

To think their BS is even getting as far as it does in seeing people think what they have to say is correct? Its extremely saddening
I'm not going to give my head a shake-I don't need I have said to you before gb not everyone thinks along the same lines as you. Some people feel threatened by this shit plain and simple...telling people that nothing will happen to them is bad advice....I was simply trying to understand this change and what it means for patients...people are free to make their own choice but they should at least be making those choices on sound constantly repeating the same thing isn't cutting it.
well...I hear ya @ whatfg and have no issue with what ya I have said...its good to see as I get to say as well...
If yer LEGAL with a script from your GP...Its MEDICAL as said by court.
yer .not doing anything wrong.....not once have I seen anyone get charged or investigated..Plain and simple.
Its the ones who hide behind the fact that talk like this... If yer one of these..DONT HIDE WHO YOU ARE and pretend..
SOme people just cant wrap their head around the way things are and listen to BS at its finest that can sway them into the wrong way of thinking(conned) as is being done here.
Nothing to do with the way I see it, Its just right and wrong ..
So technically...your 1 year prescription will expire before the actual license, making the tail end of your license illegal. This is basically saying it doesn’t matter what your Dr still have to wait to register to grow. Such utter BS!
No your registration will expire the same day as the prescription. Nothing has changed about that. that it's written that your grow licence starts the day HC issues documents to do so, I'd be a little leary of starting the day my doc signs.....boom....loophole closed....can't use that as your argument anymore.
Exactly, the only way to be safe is to renew more often so you don't expire. They are trying to use the ACMPR against us, and now it will probably fail.
Now into Week 20 of waiting for my registration. As per previous posting, I was contacted by HC with a date that was missed on my documentation can only imagine it is now back into the 'abyss of processing". So again I will hurry up and wait, impatiently.
Never have i ever checked the mailbox like this, well there was this one time I ordered some cassettes from publishing clearing house, there were a lot of trips to the mailbox then. haha

I just ventured to the mail box after work and guess what I discovered. Yes I recd my registration today. So no more worries at this end. 5 long months, over 100 trips to the mailbox.

It also states clearly in the documentation that you are not to start producing marijuana until you receive your registration.

And yes if I was dying I would be growing anyways. I am not nor will I try and use that as an excuse which some keep going at. Not everyone one of us here that has applied for a med grow is dying. ( I guess I am actually wrong on that statement cause yes we all are dying )

On a side note my app was recd by HC in Oct 20/2017. My Expire is Oct 2018. But it also clearly states effective date of Feb 2018. Not the date of the prescription written. So again people do your own due diligence. Cause the armchair lawyers here will not be supporting you or your family in court and can only offer their opinions as to how they think it should play out if you go to court.

Make your own decisions people and get informed.


.be the sorry sheeple
and do what yer told.. Let them TELL YOU WHAT TO DO!
that's the way it all gets changed!!!!!!!!
or let the others do it for you all..:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::cuss::finger::wall::idea:

..not politicians and or people who think like them lol
Complete fucking joke, there is not a single other prescription that you have to wait months for after your doctor signs. If they are dating the papers when the doctor signs then there is no reason to no be able to start on that date. Not a single judge would ever approve charges if you have a legal script. This is a court challenge waiting to happen. Fuck hc
We need to start a social media MEME war against Health Canada. Maybe like skeletons rotting behind the door whilst the delivery man is finally arriving with the ACMPR paperwork etc..HC making SICK people criminals through bureaucratic delay etc etc....

@The Hippy we need your strange pictures for the memes...HC making sick people dead and you have any like that that everyone can post all over social media?
@The Hippy we need your strange pictures for the memes...HC making sick people dead and you have any like that that everyone can post all over social media?[/QUOTE]

If that nurse works for Health Canada that dude is getting ANAL. lol.[/QUOTE]


I think it's the staff nurse at tweed....better known as a trudy tranny.
It was almost perfectly timed for 5 months. I even got a call about two weeks previous to receiving it that I missed a date. I told them it was the same as the first one. Anyways panic set in as I figured bottom of the stack but about 2 weeks later in the mail. Hmmmm

I have been following the John Turmel info coming out. They are drawing proper attn to many of the issues. Kinda making the Crown look stupid. But they are still dragging their feet. Beyond pathetic. And even getting caught in lies.
