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  • I am a veteran smoker, let's just say I'm past middle age and NEVER mastered the art of rolling. I had to roll back in the day but it was never good. Snake joints that fell apart. Learned to LOVE my one hitter and have only used those for years. I am getting ready to vacation and with the paraphernalia laws I would like to take joints. Recommended rolling machines?
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    Reactions: shnkrmn
    go go kid
    go go kid
    yep, practice makes perfect, but have you concidered taking empty cones and the funnel n stixck that go's with them??. three items in three differand bags, or a packet of opened toibackoe added for extra camoflage
    go go kid
    go go kid
    where you off too? a clean cheap grinder that will see you through the vacation is cheap enough and clean and disposable
    raw roller with filter tips. it's perfect and very small. I got tired of rolling js recently and switched to this. fits 0.5 grams per cig looking j with a raw filter tip. if you open the valve you can roll it a bit bigger maybe about 0.65 for a tapered j. the best cone roller was the chills one from the late 90s.
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