Recent content by Slyclyde1991

  1. S

    how to grow mushrooms the easy way

    Thanks man, it's at 74-78 and 100% Rh, but yea the surface seems a bit dry every morning despite the 100% rh, no tiny little droplets on the surface
  2. S

    how to grow mushrooms the easy way

    I need some help guys, this is my first try at shrooms and I think they're stunted. They were doing great and then my kid knocked over the bin. I'll post pics of what happened after that, the last 3 days seems to be absolutely no change!
  3. S

    HELP! Kid knocked over my colonizing bulk subtrate bin

    But the casing looks almost identical to the substrate, idk I bought it online
  4. S

    HELP! Kid knocked over my colonizing bulk subtrate bin

    I have pasteurized casing layer but no more substrate
  5. S

    HELP! Kid knocked over my colonizing bulk subtrate bin

    Thanks man! Do you think I should put a casing layer over it? All the grains now are exposed right on the top
  6. S

    HELP! Kid knocked over my colonizing bulk subtrate bin

    Yep, f***ing kids man smh. First pic is what it looked like 2 hours ago, and now this is what it looks like now, sorry for the shitty pics I dont want to open it until I know what I'm going to be doing with it so I can work fast. What should I do? Pack it down? Should I scrap the substrate now...
  7. S

    Can I use this for sterilization mycology?

    Everything I've read and everyone ive heard from says 70% ISO ... 99 evaporates too quickly to have any real effect
  8. S

    Shroom newbie i think i effed up

    Alright, I just posted a new thread asking because I wasnt sure anyone here would get back to me in time. Gotta get this green spawn into a bucket will I have the time
  9. S

    Can I use this for sterilization mycology?

    This is the only Iso 70% I could find, says it has wintergreen and glycerin in it.. can I still use it for sterilizing SAB and what not for transfer??
  10. S

    Shroom newbie i think i effed up

    This is the only iso 70% I could find, can I use it for sanitation?? Says it has wintergreen and glycerin in it?
  11. S

    Shroom newbie i think i effed up

    Thanks man, I read that when using spore syringe and grain bag that it colonizes from the inside out so that's what I was figuring, is that true?
  12. S

    Shroom newbie i think i effed up

    Thanks guys!! One bag looks like its colonizing pretty well, it's been 9 days since inoculation with spore syringe. I know to break up and mix the grain when its 20% colonized but is that supposed to be 20% in one spot or 20% overall? Cus I think overall with all the little spots included it's...
  13. S

    Shroom newbie i think i effed up

    You think they'll still colonize if grain is dry? Should I put a humidifier near them? Would that even do anything?
  14. S

    Shroom newbie i think i effed up

    Yea it only gets up to 68° tops where I have them so I have a small heater near them but keep it father away now then I did the first few days