Can I use this for sterilization mycology?


Active Member
This is the only Iso 70% I could find, says it has wintergreen and glycerin in it.. can I still use it for sterilizing SAB and what not for transfer??


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ISO alcohol has been harder to find since covid. While that wintergreen stuff might be ok for sanitizing your gloves and work area I suggest using a solution of 10% bleach, a drop or two of anti microbial dish soap and warm water to spray onto the walls of your SAB. You cannot really ever fully sterilize a SAB but you can sanitize it in there. Leaving the walls kinda soapy will allow most contaminants to stick to the walls; away from your work area.
Iso *has* been hard to come by, especially the 99%, *and* it’s been expensive...but I priced a gallon @ Amazon yesterday, $0.27/oz. in stock.
Iso *has* been hard to come by, especially the 99%, *and* it’s been expensive...but I priced a gallon @ Amazon yesterday, $0.27/oz. in stock.
All the local health stores that used to carry ISO around here are still out of stock. I asked the Cvs manager why...she told me the hospitals, testing, and vaccine workers buy it all up as soon as they get more. I had to order from amazon just to clean my bong
Well, could experience is that if you’re spraying enough to be effective (2-3 sprays should be more than enough) and it’s an actual SAB, it won’t evaporate before you’re done, and it will be more effective than twice as many sprays of a dilute solution. Alcohol evaporates at its own rate, not water’s, though water will slow it down - the same way water limits its effectiveness.

Anyway, those are my thoughts. If/when Shroomery comes back on line, there’s plenty of threads and videos there about how to prepare and sterilize an SAB.
Depends what you Plan on doing with it bro... if you plan on sterizing a needle then yes you could burn it to get a flame, can you use it on your surroundings??? Yes i would use it... it depends what you plan its use for but long story short for most aplications yes you could
I fo bulk aswell but find the standard pf tek easy and with large enough fruiting chamber and pc you can fit in a couple cakes in...i find it easier than grain... i know both but pf tek is just easier... plus with two cases of jars (24) youll have more fruits than you would know what to do with...


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