Recent content by somebody1701

  1. somebody1701

    Seeds Start Faster Than Clones

    I've done this twice now with the same results - start your clones at least two weeks before your seeds.
  2. somebody1701

    Seeds Start Faster Than Clones

    I have big healthy clones, but like Buds mentions, they don't do anything for a couple of weeks. During that time my seedlings are growing. I'm basing my experience mostly on height and I've never tried to take a clone (or seed-started plant) to flower in less than 5-6 weeks from the time it's...
  3. somebody1701

    Seeds Start Faster Than Clones

    I've needed to know this a couple of times and internet searches have not yielded definitive answers for me. I've started clones and seeds at roughly the same time twice now and the seeds are at least two if not three weeks faster than clones in my experience. This is true for both strains I...
  4. somebody1701

    Making cannabutter

    The oven with no water on 180 to 200 works great for me. I leave it (olive oil) in all day. I have heard that saturated fats (butter, coconut oil) absorb more THC but I like something that's liquid at room temp.
  5. somebody1701

    Making cannabutter

    Probably burnt the milk solids in the butter which don't exist in coconut oil which is all fat.
  6. somebody1701

    Making cannabutter

    I've never used water when I make infused olive oil. I always wondered what the purpose of the water was. I actually like the weed taste myself so having the green stuff around doesn't bother me. I do use cured material so most of the chlorophyll is gone.
  7. somebody1701

    Nitrogen toxicity??

  8. somebody1701

    Coco help!!!

    Like I said, I've done side-by-side grows, watering every day versus not watering every day. I'm not going to make up benefits I can't measure myself. Just stating the facts I've experienced. I've heard people say that allowing the medium to dry out a bit increases oxygen (even in coco, I'm...
  9. somebody1701

    Coco help!!!

    Have you ever tried not watering every day? Also, how big are you pots relative to your plants. I've had this conversation many times. Unless you've actually tried both (which I have), don't tell me about all the supposed benefits. I never have to flush my coco and had used my last batch for...
  10. somebody1701

    Has anyone ....

    No, I've never used a mold preventative. I do have excellent ventilation and a dehumidifier (set to 65).
  11. somebody1701

    Has anyone ....

    I run at 65% RH and I've never had mold or bud rot (knocks on wood).
  12. somebody1701

    Solar power!

    You might want to know the total watts on the fans before you say something like that. The problem with solar these days is batteries, not panels.
  13. somebody1701

    New sealed room help help

    If you are circulating some fresh air through you shouldn't need CO2 supplementation. Unless your grow is legal, I wouldn't make it too obvious, even in a barn out int he middle of nowhere. It's easier to design stealth in up front then try to do it due to some unexpected visitors.
  14. somebody1701

    Nitrogen toxicity??

    Those look good to me.