Well-Known Member
Plants are a month old and recently transplanted into a mix of Epsoma potting soil (no nutes beyond a bit of castings in it) with added lime and Epsoma plant tone dry organic fertilizer at about 3/4 recommended amount about a week ago. Plants are all suddenly showing a dark green/bluing on all of the leaves within last three days and new growth tips appear to be maybe smaller and deformed. This is a 5 3 3 fertilizer . Over half of the nitrogen is not water soluble. Bag says 3% non water soluble. 0.4% ammoniacal nitrate and 1.6% other water soluble nitrogen. About a week before this transplanting, I fed each plant about a 1\6 strength dose of a liquid veg fert. The only fertilizer used before this was a very light topping with Epsoma a few weeks ago. Plants were all looking good until now. Dark leaves with many curling down at leaf tips. Weak growth tips. Leaves don't feel the same to the touch. Any ideas?