Recent content by stackmachine

  1. stackmachine

    Light green splotches with dark gray between veins on 3 week old seedlings

    Hey all...just popped a few seeds (2 indica and 2 hybrid) and once roots were poking through all sides of the rockwool I stuck them in my high pressure aero system and these 2 indica plan and this problem just cropped up overnight after about 2 weeks. Anyone know what it could be? The hybrid...
  2. stackmachine

    My basement corner Aero garden!

    Welp...I've definitely learned my lesson on over-feeding. Spent the weekend digging through all the old posts and finally found the one where Atom was talking about the nutrient levels he uses in his HPA system. For tomatoes and strawberries his EC is only 0.4-0.5. He mixes it at 1.5 - 2.0...
  3. stackmachine

    My basement corner Aero garden!

    Ok so the leaf-burn is spreading a little now and after briefly reading some of the trouble-shooting posts on here I'm moderately confident that this was because of too high nute levels. I did drain the the tank before switching to the lower PPM nutes yesterday. I also reduced the mist-time to...
  4. stackmachine

    My basement corner Aero garden!

    Hmm...maybe it is a little burning at the tips. Here are some closer up pics of the areas of concern: I'll dilute the nutes down a bit and see if that helps. As for the micros, I just looked through the different formulations in HydroBuddy and picked ones that seemed "about average" and not...
  5. stackmachine

    My basement corner Aero garden!

    For sure...once I realized you can get pure epsom salt at the pharmacy I picked some up and that fixed the 2-1-1 nutrient balance to almost no error on any of the elements and have been using that for at least a week now. I was going off the Green House Seed Co recommendation for the young...
  6. stackmachine

    My basement corner Aero garden!

    Thanks! Yeah...everything seems to be pretty dialed in for the motherplant bin....I've been taking photos every time the lights turn on and before they turn off. Seeing growth on every photo. Should make a neat time lapse if I keep it up. Re-adjusted all the misters to prep the flower...
  7. stackmachine

    My basement corner Aero garden!

    Got the covers off the rockwool cubes. The lower placement of the mist head is 200% better than before. The main reason I kept taking photos of the roots was that I could tell that not all of the root systems looked equally developed and was pretty worried about the areas that lost their...
  8. stackmachine

    My basement corner Aero garden!

    I didn't know the covers were supposed to come off...initially I put the foam lids on there because the seedlings were stretching a lot and looked like they would tip over any time. Yeah...I've been trying not to open it up much. Just trying to figure out how to get even mist coverage. After...
  9. stackmachine

    tans spots any ideas ?

    This looks pretty close to what I'm currently dealing with on one of my plants.....I have pretty low RH as well. Last week was 30-35 in my grow area. Now it's down to 25-30. Running high pressure aero. Plan to take clones from this plant. All my nutes were mixed from dry salts using...
  10. stackmachine

    My basement corner Aero garden!

    Might have to do a merri-go-round after all unless a reposition of the nozzle on the main wall of the bin, rather than the handle section where they're currently located gets the cone more centered. With the 1 second mist it is really soaking the root hairs in the far left end of the cone. I'm...
  11. stackmachine

    My basement corner Aero garden!

    I was just checking out the roots and raised the lights up a bit and had a thought about the yellowing fan leaves. I think it might actually be because there isn’t quite as much mist as I estimated. Quite a bit is hitting the wall and the plants are trying to grow and possibly not getting...
  12. stackmachine

    My basement corner Aero garden!

    I have my dry nutes out rn and am about to whip up another batch of nutes for the next week or so. I just noticed that the gross error on Sulfur is pretty high into negative territory. The first window on the right shows the breakdown of the substances. As you can see from the 3rd image, if...
  13. stackmachine

    My basement corner Aero garden!

    Well the Cookies 'n Kush plant is really growing fast. I decided to try and look up some more info on the breeder to see if there was something going on with the Super Bud that I was doing wrong. It turns out Green House Seed Co. actually has a 15 minute YT video with a couple of their guys...
  14. stackmachine

    R00T Pr0n

    Cookies 'n Kush: Super Bud:
  15. stackmachine

    Aerogarden 3 seedlings question

    What do you mean by "cover them more closer?" I'm not sure about the details of that device, but you might have to feed them with a dropper or a bottle until the roots get more established. You might want to use a foam netpot with neoprene lid like this for future grows. You could just buy a...