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  • Hey man, thanks for your help thus far :)
    My setup is only a small space about 5sq feet, will be using DWC setup and SCRoG method.
    This will be my first legit grow (Grew 1 plant to get a feel) then did an ass load of reading
    to be more prepared. Any who, i will be using Auto BlueMystic and auto bubblelicious what would
    you suggest me to use. Budget is around $200-250 for lighting.

    Thanks again
    It's designed for hardwiring so you would have to at the very least add a plug to the bare wires. You can get screw on ones in LOWES for about $2 or you could by an extension cord for $1 and cut it/wire nut it/electric tape it on. The extension cord comes in handy cause it extends the length nicely.

    Also you would have to slap some duct tape over the automatic light sensor on the lamp housing. If for some reason you wanted to, you could simply bypass and remove the automatic light sensor.

    You don't have to use the reflector it comes with. Can either make your own or go without. You can extend the wires between the ballast and lamp if you want to keep the ballast entirely outside of the grow room. The kit basically looks likes this one only its silver rather than white:
    70 watt HPS lamps in Lowes for $35 is this plug and play or do i have to do somthing to it (does it come ready to use)
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