Recent content by Tbomb35

  1. T

    Soil mix

    From what I saw you don’t use any amendments? Bone meal guano ect....?
  2. T

    Soil mix

    I’m curious on what people use for a soil blend additives and ratios I plan on doing 24 outdoor this next season I did all organic this season with decent results but I used some pretty expensive soil sohum I’m looking to getting away from that and amending my own soil mixture. I’ve used compost...
  3. T

    Start of week 7 flower - small buds

    Genetics brother it’s probably some heavy smoke tho I’ve found the smaller the buds the better the potency just my opinion
  4. T

    First Dwc grow. 1 seedling not looking to great.

    I hear that but I feel it’s more preventive Maintenance it’s more expensive to keep your water temps in control then it is to use this simple two part system imo for a first grow do this once you establish enough money to upgrade to water coolers and that then do that otherwise frozen water...
  5. T

    First Dwc grow. 1 seedling not looking to great.

    But if you wait for the h2 o2 to fully break down into water then add the beneficial it will work you don’t combine them together
  6. T

    First Dwc grow. 1 seedling not looking to great.

    Also if you don’t have a jewelers loop get one or buy a jiusion digital microscope to check out your tri combs don’t harvest too early I like the dovetail myself plugs right into laptop or phone works great doesn’t stress the eyes
  7. T

    First Dwc grow. 1 seedling not looking to great.

    Roots look great!!!! Keep it up but for next run try to run ppms close to if not the same as your available watts I have a pic of the formula to use I just got to find it and I’ll post it
  8. T

    First Dwc grow. 1 seedling not looking to great.

    Idk about chlorine I’ve always used h2o2 and Hydroguard or some other beneficial for root growth hasn’t failed me yet I’ve used voodoo and rhizo as well for beneficials
  9. T

    First Dwc grow. 1 seedling not looking to great.

    Ok well think if those are producing 240 watts a piece and you have 2 that’s 480 watts I wouldn’t go much above 500 ppms when it comes to nutes you want your watts and ppms to pretty much match up for healthy plants. Imo I say next Rez change drop it to say 600-700 ppms and see if they recover...
  10. T

    First Dwc grow. 1 seedling not looking to great.

    I think u don’t have enough light for the amount of ppms u have are the roots looking healthy?
  11. T

    First Dwc grow. 1 seedling not looking to great.

    If your lights aren’t putting out 1400 watts that’s too high of ppm they look over nuted to me too much nitrogen that why the leaf tips are curling and they’re so dark what lights are you using?
  12. T

    First Dwc grow. 1 seedling not looking to great.

    If the plants are decent size and you have enough light I put my ppms with canna at 900-1100 when I did advance in flower I could get my ppms up to 1500 before I would see burn
  13. T

    Any advice will help

    I think I got about a pound per plant
  14. T

    First Dwc grow. 1 seedling not looking to great.

    I base it off of Ppms lights and plant size do you have the amount of light you can tell me and show a pick of plant size sorry been busy with my outdoor haven’t been on in awhile
  15. T

    Any advice will help

    Still bouta pound... lol but seriously how much you think now?