Recent content by Thrive#1

  1. T

    Southern Hemisphere Sanity Check : Are your plants starting to flower ?

    Not usually where I’m yeah tips appear mid late feb but not solid bud forming
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    Legit matanuska thunderfuck??

    Thanks mate Allgood guess the thread like the strain no more lol
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    Southern Hemisphere Sanity Check : Are your plants starting to flower ?

    No you aren’t imagining it I’m scratching my head also asking the same question so early to begin flower still usually 4 weeks left of veg usually here too but well on there way too flower could cloudy days do it ?????? No idea but it’s real global warming maybe
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    Legit matanuska thunderfuck??

    Sorry unsure thought it was discussing ATF MTF ATA what ever the fuck it’s called or ppl think a lot here have not idea if we are all discussing the same strain I have them was very first seeds I ever purchased because of the short flowering period and liking cold
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    matanuska thunder fuck

    Cross from ATF with a duck but still have ATF mother it flowers in 50 + days shortest flowering but doesn’t yeild much purchased 60+ reg seeds germinated 3 of those
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    Legit matanuska thunderfuck??

    Well they look exactly like what I’ve seen but the flower well mine did in 5weeks I guess I purchased 60 reg seeds originally for that reason short flowering and handle cold climate frosts that we get here hoping to cross witch I did for a all year rounder but they aren’t the biggest yielding...
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    Legit matanuska thunderfuck??

    If it’s what seed bank yantra call ATA or Alaskan thunder fucker short flowering in just 50+ days witch they do I have mother from reg seeds plus 30+ un germinated seeds I crossed another with a duck strain for seed
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    Tangie..... here we go again.... i hope not tho

    So I believe seed bank yantra here in Australia had Alaskan thunder fuck in only reg seeds but was called ATA not ATF what I’ve researched is Matanuska valley thunder fuck strain or Alaskan thunder fuck just named differently for some reason I purchased and still have some seed from only...
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    Sources/forums for diy led grow light building

    100%agree and proven brilliant minds think alike if the strain allows 1/2 pound too 1.3 from blue gelato with an excelvan 600w witch I think now is green fingers brand but only 600w has reflector that is all I’ve use with amazing results for the price laughing at others comments cheap lights are...
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Just thought I was helping obviously not I apologise why is yantra no good?
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Yes good customer service man
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    Aussie Growers Thread 3days Aus wide delivery seeds
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    Aussie Growers Thread 3day delivery Aus wide seed
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    Over 1/2- 1 Yeild anyone from autos?

    Thank you interested to see if pound is possible
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    Aussie Growers Thread 3 day delivery