Recent content by TURBS

  1. TURBS

    Stealth Cabinet Build PICS

    I am not to sure what you mean. If you mean the first Cabinet it sealed up fine. Weather striping was installed around the frame and a strip in between the two doors. The hindges are the adjustable european type. you can adjust them up and down, in / out and side to side. This way you can ajust...
  2. TURBS

    Stealth Cabinet Build PICS

    OK here's some pics. The 80 CFM bathroom fan sits on the carbon tray an vents out the back. It is a 2.5 sonne fan, a little noisey so I will line the channel the fan sits in with foam. The cross on the back of the Cabinet represents were the light will go, either a 150 or 250 watt with cool tube...
  3. TURBS

    Lazy Susan

    Ya I ment to have a turntable motor for each one.
  4. TURBS

    Lazy Susan

    Hey, ya want some cheap motors? Take the turntable motors out of some microwaves, they are 120v and have enclosed gearcase etc. They can spin either way on there own, just help it in one direction or the other when you turn it on. I don't know if it they spin too fast, you would likely be fine...
  5. TURBS

    Stealth Cabinet Build PICS

    Sorry for leaving you hanging. So the above Cabinet is SOLD, lol did not have a chance to try it out! I am in the midst of a redesign. I am going with a C-Scrog and a 150w - 250w hps for the flowwering. I got a 2.5 sonne 80cfm bathroom fan for the scrubber/exhaust. The advantage of the C-scrog...
  6. TURBS

    Grow medium alternatives?

    Would you guys suggest boiling the rocks first? Don't those candies run the rissk of attracting bugs?
  7. TURBS

    Grow medium alternatives?

    Like the candy? Wow
  8. TURBS

    Grow medium alternatives?

    Let's hear what the cheap bastards are using instead of hydrotnon. I read were some people use pea gravel or aquarium rocks. Would boiling river rocks clean them enough for use? How about LEGO? Just thought I would pass it around.
  9. TURBS

    Is this legit?

    What's a Rute?
  10. TURBS


    Get A book
  11. TURBS

    Stealth Cabinet Build PICS

    I have been thinking about the hps thing. still seems pretty hot. You really think the 2 150w hps would be cooler than 12 or so cfls(26w)? I assume I would have to add a cool tube, right? I really don't know what to do now , lol decisions decisions. I just would not to have to worry about those...
  12. TURBS

    Stealth Cabinet Build PICS

    Thanks again for the tip, Hash Lover. I like to get real world advice from somebody who's has experiaced what they are talking about. That was the answer I wanted to hear, If the cfls put out that much warmth than I will just deal with the HPS heat. I could take apart all the cfl bulbs and wire...
  13. TURBS

    New Wave or CFL!?

    Can you put the bulbs on an ANGLE?
  14. TURBS

    1000W too much light for my setup??

    I reckon a 1000w would cost 40% more than the 600w. Double the wattage, double the price.
  15. TURBS

    Can i use a 450watt bulb for a ballast that says "only 1000watt"????

    Likely why it says "ONLY 1000", I know theres now such thing as a stupid question....It would say "1000w MAX" if different bulbs were OK. At least you asked.