Recent content by Vadr

  1. V

    Is anyone else rockin out fall time colors in August?

    Storms coming through, I swear Sept will not beat me this year lol
  2. V

    I think I found some bud rot...

    I feel your pain. I'm removing some everyday.
  3. V

    MSNL seedbank

    Just dropping my review of this seed bank. Shipping takes from 2 weeks to 4 weeks in my experience. Seeds come in the back of a CD. Labeling sucks Great deals
  4. V

    Sup Dawgs

    I am the unofficial site taste tester for all beginners. Send a dm ill send you a pre paid container to send the bud. :weed: j/k welcome and good luck
  5. V

    Trichome pictures, input needed pls

    I'm being patient lol. I want this to be a good learning year for me. Bad storm coming tonight so back in the garage for them
  6. V

    Trichome pictures, input needed pls

    Yeah she's still got a bit to go. I'll be happy with no big patches. Losing a few buds is acceptable give the rain and humidity in my area.
  7. V

    How long in the curing process before the smell starts to return (on average)

    Wife won't let me bring them inside to dry. All I have is my detached garage. I use fans to move air but I don't have a large dehumidifier just a small one. Helps some but not a lot. I chop at bottom and hang entire plant 7 days then take off buds and screen dry for 3 days then jar. Im going to...
  8. V

    Trichome pictures, input needed pls

    Probably still getting leaf in those shots I didn't trim to close
  9. V

    Trichome pictures, input needed pls

    So I wet trimmed what I saved and figured I'd snap trichome pics off bud.
  10. V

    Trichome pictures, input needed pls

    Lost part of main cola today after my daily check I spotted bud rot on a bud. Removed just below rot. Lost like 4 inches of cola. Sad day but I did manage to save the very to 3 inches so not all Lost. Rest seem good still.
  11. V

    Looking for paid mentor with GH soil system

    There will always be an illegal market. Government is not trying to stop that. I can sympathize with someone who is legally engaged in business and hope it all works out. It's great I can grow my own outside now but not all can
  12. V

    Add a picture of your favorite plant.

    I did it after all my bud rot last year...was like a jungle