Trichome pictures, input needed pls

Lost part of main cola today after my daily check I spotted bud rot on a bud. Removed just below rot. Lost like 4 inches of cola. Sad day but I did manage to save the very to 3 inches so not all Lost. Rest seem good still. 16311028165888707887592446340675.jpg16311028521665958596022440941312.jpg16311028944935195788701122119579.jpg
Looks mostly clear just going milky to my eye. I see an amber patch in one pic but looks like leaf. Sorry about the rot. Don’t forget to clean your tools if you used any
Yeah she's still got a bit to go. I'll be happy with no big patches. Losing a few buds is acceptable give the rain and humidity in my area.
Nowhere near ready. You've got tons of white pistils and the seed bracts haven't even begun to swell, you've probably got a month left. Read this Trichome color does not affect high, that's old stoner bro-science. Don't waste all the time, effort, and money you've invested by harvesting early. Don't use leaves to check trichomes either. good luck!

I looked at the GC link and all the images are missing?