Widow Maker
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  • I tried to send you a couple PMs but I don't think they went through. Could you take a look at my thread in the PLant Problems section please and let me know what you think? My plants looked great right up to when I went to the desert for the weekend and got hurt. When I came back they looked like hell and I don't know if they're getting better or worse.

    My thread is called "I'm killing them!!"

    Thanks mang,
    hello, i was wondering after transplanting to the bigger rock wool cube, when should i put that in hydroton or soil?? and how often should i mist my plants?
    Sounds like some great strains. I've just finished ordering a wide selection of babies; big bud, Jack, EML, and Utopia Haze. Got a bunch of freebies too.
    Hey whatsup my friend. It was good seeing you today. I read your article and bought the bushmaster and superthrive. I have some pics Ild like to show you. Still learning alot about rollitup. How the hell do I create a new post? My babies are thriving! I have everything i need except one thing. Good genetics. I'm looking for someone who is willing to part with some clones or beans. I've had an op before, but my genetics werent up to par. Last time i spent a few bills and had the customs send me a green slip. I'm still going to buy some off attitude, nirvana, wms or speedy. But I would like to get the op running with some proper babies. I'll barter, purchase, or take gifts. Most preferably the latter. Thanks!
    BudFactorX is an incredible product, and that many dispenseries are enjoying the science behind the juice, but just what is the magic potion?

    An important aspirin ingredient-salicylic acid-is being studied as first aid for warding off plant diseases.

    Tests using aspirin water on tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, basil and other plants have led to the understanding tha Aspirin is an activator of Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR), and plants under stress, naturally produce salicylic acid."

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture is studying how SA prods plants into releasing their natural defenses.

    AN site states:
    "Your ticket to more essential oils and stronger, larger plants is for you to stimulate your plants’ inborn defense mechanisms using precision compounds that are now available for you in a proprietary easy to use liquid formulation."

    research for yourself:
    This game is going to be great! I know what a ton of kidz will be doing instead of taking notes in class. Sure beats the games I had on my calculator!
    That's good to hear! I'd be developing it for the Google Android OS. But I've actually thought of making it for Facebook. I've created a couple FB apps in the past... fairly simple ones. This would be more complicated than anything I've done on FB before. But I think it'd be a great idea too. FB has around 250mil users & is always growing (much more than the 2-3 million Android phones out there). I'm still in the design stage so I could do it for either platform (or both).

    One thing I'm trying to figure out is how often you need to buy new bottles of nutrients. I know this depends on the size of the grow room and # of plants, but I just need a ballpark figure.

    Also, how often do HID bulbs need to be replaced? I've read around 20-30,000hrs depending on type/wattage, which puts them around 2-3yrs(?).
    Hey there. I found your article of the month by searching Google for How to Grow Marijuana. It's definitely the most thorough and informative I have come across so far. I'm not using the info to start a grow operation (seriously :-) ), I am going to create a marijuana growing simulation for mobile phones. I'd like to use information from your article (including pictures and verbatim excerpts from the article, with possible edits & spelling/grammar corrections). I'll only do this with your permission, of course. If you are okay with this, please let me know. If you give me your permission I will give you full credit in the About window (to "Widow Maker" ...and to rollitup.org).
    It was good talking to you today. Great threads-I've got alot of reading to do. After looking into the budfactorX about I am interested, but I am not ready to make such a large investment for unsure returns. Would you consider selling about 25ml? Thanks again for your input.
    Dat's shit hot man.... I learnt alot from you with that thread. thankx man. p.s add me as a friend and check out my first grow room and grow....

    Thanks again Dan.
    Hey im a vt college kid thats lives in a small town in vt i was wondering if u had any threads with vt outdoor grow journals or strain selections or anything?
    hey man iv been reading information that you give on this site for about a month but i was unable to make any post or threads because i was using a cell phone lol, i just bought a computer and now here i am, i spent about $700.00 on equipment to start a grow, before i started i new nothing of hydroponics, you taught me every thing i know lol, i would like some of your feed back if you wouldnt mind ill try and make it short..... i bought 2 totes 1 18 gallon for the resevoir and 1 10 gallon for the grow box/tray i hoked up a 185 gallon per hour water pump from my local hydroponics store in the bottom that floods the top and a cheep air pump from wal-mart but i think it will work fine. i cut 6, 3" holes in
    the top lid for the 3" round netted pots, i was going to use just hydroton for the medium until i started reading about using rockwool in the hydroton? what do you think about this? i bought a 3 part nutrient system (advanced Nutrients) and also enzym concentrate, it was recommended by the sales man at the shop but im afraid he was just trying to up sell. should i use the nutrients system that i bought or should i return it before i open it? i bought a 400w hps mh reflector light and ballast that are air cooled, i didnt want to spend $200+ on the inline fan so i went to home depot but couldnt find exactly what i needed so i got a bathroom exhaust fan 250 cfm and figured it would work but now i know that instead of blowing air threw it it would suck it out (following?) would this work or not? thats what i have so far and i havnt started to grow yet i trying to make sure i have every thing i need first. thanks in advanced your input means alot .
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