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  • humm, hehehe, actually she never saw that comment :) and i was really totally kidding,im a bit of a tease, btw a very mature response from you nonetheless.

    ...if ya wanted a timehardened relationship yourself, ya should listen to your heart, if it doesnt go crazy (boom in your chest, good feeling) and you just always want to be with that person, then you are just attracted and have met at best, a friend...in my opinion anyway.

    and anyways, i think if one was always attracted to the idea of true love, soulmates, (ever seen the movie princess bride?) then one would just have to open your heart to it (basically i got tired of one relationship after another and said "if it aint true love, fuck it" (though not literally, but more as in, i dont give a fuck enough even to look)

    waited 7 years :) lol (was miserable really till i found her and get antzy now if she´s away too long (lol)) (worried and miss her (though i never give in to the worry, just hug her more when she´s home)
    yeah, my wife saw that comment and ill let ya know when im out of traction :) (im a masochist i suddenly realise :()
    no, kidding, but thanks for a beautiful comment, now excuse me, im being kissed to death by a cat :)
    probably not allowed. but you can message it to me first so I can double check just to make sure... ;)
    Oooh, I like Walter Sickert and John Singer Sargent <3 The graphic artist Cellar-FCP also combines impressionist techniques with asian influences.
    Yeah, it was the conical type. If i can figure out how to make it, i'll post pics for sure. I can't believe you smoked out of a rams horn, i think thats the best i've heard to date!! :)
    Grape Kush...sounds yummy. Ur pipe made me want to try making my own...lol I bought this really cool pipe in San Fran a long time ago that was made from a seashell, i've always wanted to try to recreate it.
    It's awesome to meet another girl who likes bud as much as i do!!! Saw ur homemade pipe and loved it btw :)
    yeah been sick since thursday...started some antibiotics yesterday...ty for the kind words :)
    not a problem, Its been a pleasure talking, time to go paint the house, have a nice day/nite.
    What's wrong with being arrogant? I suppose if you care more about what others think of you, than what you think of yourself, it might matter.

    Minor annoyance = Urca-like behavior. Nobody cares about your problems. Not really.

    Bonne nuit
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