You are very welcome, i have a difficult time finding the strawberry pocky, maybe we should start a blog for pocky lovers that have a hard time locating certain ones lol
Hey there beautiful. So I think I have a problem. I've become addicted to your panties. I'm going through withdrawals here. Save me, s'il vous plait ;p
Well its true girl......The dude below is a 30 yr old college dropout who lives in his parents basement and has no life offline.....He is what we call a troll........And yes I am fine the least of my worries would be lowlifes like him......thanks for your concern though it was sweet.
lol nope, I dont actually have asian eyes, i think they were messing with me? idk. Im mostly german, then the next big one is irish, with side of english/scottish thrown in for good measure... and idk how to upload to an album