Veterans...Get the hell in here now!

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Edward Teach had a cameo in my international trade/adventure stories. In my story his beard was prematurely gray and he had to use boot black on it. You know I kind of like icon erosion.
Edward Teach had a cameo in my international trade/adventure stories. In my story his beard was prematurely gray and he had to use boot black on it. You know I kind of like icon erosion.
I don't know the ingredients of original boot black but if it was anything like it was 50 years ago, the paraffin would have most likely ignited and he would have had to adopt another moniker.

"At the beginning of the war (WW1), the innate sense of retrieval bred into many dogs led to the way they were trained, meaning the return of a cap or helmet indicating that a wounded soldier was located. In one case, a French Red Cross dog named Captain located thirty wounded men in a single day using this method. This technique posed its own set of problems. Not finding a cap or helmet, the dog would pull a piece of uniform, a bandage, or even hair to accomplish the job at hand."