I used to do a perpetual sog grow, F&D in 6 inch square pots of perlite, vermiculite, and rockwool. The only way I could completely rid myself of them was to bring each pot to the tub, and drench them in spinosad, I used the Monterey brand on amazon. I sprayed every part of the plant, and drenched the medium until runoff out of the bottom of the pot. Same treatment for thrips. I had to do about 100 plants at a time. The good thing is it only took one treatment, because it had a residual effect for at least 2 weeks. Such a pita, but it worked. Now that my perpetual grow is aero, I can't move my plants anymore, so now I can just control them with BTI in the nute solution, along with yellow sticky traps. They are manageable and don't noticeably effect my plants, but I still hate them. The only way to completely rid myself of them now would be to completely shut down and restart. Large perpetual grows are a bitch...