dank nug
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  • How you doing man. I have 3 cfls. 2 x 250 w in reflectors and 1 x 125w. Had some issues wit the PP, nutrient lock up being the main thing. It didnt grow for about 2 weeks which was gay.
    Its a really good plant for LST and just by even tying the head down you will get loads od colas. BUt it dosent seem to fill out as much as my kush strains under CFL's. Finishing time say 8 weeks but im cuttng mine at ten as they look like they need it.

    Any more questions, fire away.
    Hey bro I got banned for trying to put food on my table. I can't remember if you were hittin me up or not...so if this doesn't make sense just disregard. So use phone communication from now on- 4157309786. I'm try to get my old account back because I did like the forum and all...
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