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  • well we have heat and electricity lol, not like I live in an igloo... anymore lol but theres people that grow outdoors up here, somehow in a 3 month summer..
    Iʻm just a beginner at growing but I took a couple years of horticulture in high school I might be able to answer any questions but not guaranteed feel free to ask
    yea its growing like a champ but yea i'd like to grow a diesel..haven't yet but that Casey jones is NYC deisel X Trainwreck X Thai but i'd do another diesel cross or straight diesel..i like the sativa dominate plants cuz they usually yield more and give u a head high
    Haha yea i saw that pic before so i know he's bullshittin'..but yea Blue Dream, Grape Punch from BOG, and Casey Jones are my 3 favorite strains that i've grown so far..this jack the ripper im growing right now should be good to and i wont be surprised if its one of my new favorites cuz i hear its off the hook
    I really liked the pineapple strains I've gotten the pleasure of smoking, also Chocolate strains are BOMB. I love Choco Chunk :)

    Grapes are also a great choice, rep tha bay :)

    Sweet tastes are great, fruity tastes I tend to enjoy more than skunky ones. The best strain I've had tho is Maui Wowi grown in Maui :grin:
    alright fella I've only grown indoors as im in the uk an are weather aint really the best for growing outdoors :) why do you ask? :bigjoint:
    Cool, I'd like to try some of the club donations harvest

    I think the most important thing I've learned on this site is that organic is the way to go :)

    1st you have to decide this: indoor or outdoor?
    Outdoor is best in my opinion as it is much less expensive, produces bigger and in many cases better plants with better tastes, and natural environments make your plant tougher and more able to survive with less supervision. You really have to take into consideration your climate though, your strain should be suited to the climate and that goes for both indoor and outdoor. Get one of those humidity/temp measure-rs and put it in your grow area to find what plant can grow there. Of course give it TLC, it can't hurt :) Talk to your plants, breath on them, sing to them, CO2 they love. Nutrients are a must as well. Also, pH testers to make sure the water you'll feed your plants can absorb the nutrients in the soil. There's a shit ton more but I can't type that much
    Nice dude, sounds legit! Is he a caregiver or...under the radar?

    Good planning, should bring you the rewards you want and I'll be watching to help with what I can
    lol I'm 21 as well! Just turned it on July 29th :grin:

    I'll have to watch your grow, will you have a journal/thread for your operation?
    Hey Robin, I'm Gloria. If you don't mind my asking, are you a male or female? I only know one person named robin and she is a girl :)

    Good job, I'm impressed that you are doing a lot of research before planting anything, that is really smart. You'll save yourself a lot of hassle and trouble doing it that way

    SF is always fun, I usually only go there now to hit up the dispensaries and end up staying the whole day, somethings always going down there
    Yea dude, my parents moved here from SF back in '85, it's got some perks :)
    It's all good man
    The weathers been all screwy this year though, the bays been rather chilly all summer except for a couple days. Hella weird. But I'm hoping for an Indian Summer! That should help with flowering :mrgreen:
    I'm in school as well. Currently going to COM but going to transfer after this year to some UC, not sure which yet

    I've blossomed into an avid grower just this year :mrgreen: I began researching as my new years resolution and started my first grow in February. I learned so much from reading as much as I could on this site and other sites as well as a few books I bought/borrowed. Growing is so much fun, I love to do it and I think I'm going to try to do it for the rest of my life. It just feels so nice to be among growing plants

    Yea man, that San Bruno gas line shit was so insane and it was only 50 miles south of where I am. I think at least a few grows were ruined cuz of that shit
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